Home Latest Samsung’s Neo QLED: The next level in TV technology

Samsung’s Neo QLED: The next level in TV technology

Samsung’s Neo QLED: The next level in TV technology


The user’s enjoyment of providing the best viewing experience has always been Samsung’s main goal. One of the key drivers in the advancement of display technologies is this year’s latest TV technology, the Neo QLED, which is a further enhancement of Samsung’s best-selling QLED lineup. This is a very good testament to just how far Samsung is willing and striving to achieve in going above and beyond what a TV display should be.

But just what exactly is the Neo QLED and how does its innovative features transcend technological hurdles? Here at MB Tech, we try to explain how the technology works and how it differentiates itself, not only with QLED, but also for the existing technology found in today’s TV’s and why Samsung has definitely set the bar high with its Neo QLED technology.

The Beginning of QLED: The Quantum Mini LED

The journey to developing the Neo QLED began with the creation of the Quantum Mini LED, a light source just 1/40th the size of conventional LEDs found in all TV’s. Samsung’s engineers managed to significantly reduce the LED to the size of a particle and then applied a micro layer to softly disperse its light, allowing it to produce a smoother display, without the rough dispersion of light provided by conventional LED’s.

“Conventional LED’s come with a lens that sits on top of the actual LED with the main purpose of dispersing light. With the creation of the Neo QLED, our engineers were able to produce an LED that is able to disperse light independently, without the need for a lens. Because the Quantum Mini LED is a lot smaller than typical LED’s, we are able to put in more LED’s and align it in such a way to make it more compact and concise,” said Mahir Al-Rubah, Head of AV Product Marketing of Samsung Philippines.

The creation of the Quantum Mini LED proved to be a difficult challenge for Samsung’s top engineers and they faced a lot of hurdles in its initial production. In fact, there was a need to acquire new, more modern equipment and since the LED’s were minute in size, it made its production all the more difficult to produce.

“In producing the Quantum Mini LED, our engineers needed to first determine the location of where electricity enters the LED to align the tens of thousands of elements around it. This basically meant that our engineers needed to further enhance their skills and expertise by acquiring the latest equipment to be able to successfully produce the Quantum Mini LED’s,” added Al-Rubah.

The Quantum Matrix: the perfect orchestration of ultra-fine details through precise lighting control

Local dimming is a technology that Samsung champions as it optimizes the image by automatically dimming or brightening certain portions of the screen by precisely distributing backlights and spreading it into multiple zones. By doing this, it increases on-screen contrast by providing more realistic life-like images, but reduces electricity consumption, at the same time. Samsung has been able to further improve and advance local dimming technology through dedicated research and development efforts, which has resulted in the development of the Quantum Matrix.

Samsung’s Quantum Matrix technology is able to accurately disperse a multitude of colors at different levels, at the same time, without any glitching and without any blooming, thereby creating more visibility, especially in dark images.

“In other words, the Quantum Matrix technology precisely controls all the Quantum Mini LEDs and accurately provides the light source for each individual pixel. The technology works by first analyzing the content source and then optimizing it at all the correct levels, offering a more vivid, realistic experience to the viewer.

The AI upscaling of the Neo Quantum Processor

Through the AI-powered Neo Quantum processor, it automatically upscales picture quality regardless if it’s in low resolution or slow internet speed, which is a common occurrence here in the country. This ensures that the picture quality will always be optimized

Basically, the Neo Quantum Processor, through its neural network, allows it to efficiently map out different content by their type, thereby significantly enhancing its upscalability. The video’s attributes are analyzed in real-time and then optimized by any of the 16 neural networks for the best upscaling results. This means that each of the 16 neural networks is capable of working independently making the processor come up with a more detailed and upscaled output.

The processor’s method of filling in the gaps between low resolution and high-resolution is analyzed with each pixel color accurately assigned to make it as close to reality as possible. This allows real-time analysis of the gap providing the best possible upscaling solution, regardless the type of video input, be it SD, HD, FHD or even 4K.

The Verdict

Samsung has been the global #1 TV brand for the last 15 years. This proves that the company continuously develops and innovates each of its products to provide the best viewing experience that its valued clientele expects and deserves.

With the Neo QLED TV, Samsung has once again shown that its technology is way ahead of its competitors. This was made possible due to the company’s tireless work in developing more advanced display technologies for TV’s.

“The Neo QLED is a culmination of many years of advanced R & D by the hard-working engineers of Samsung. Through the use of these Quantum Mini LEDs alongside a combination of converged technologies, users can now clearly see the visible differences in the full optimization of picture quality,” said Al-Rubah.






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