Home Latest Schools in Delhi to open for all grades from November 1

Schools in Delhi to open for all grades from November 1

Schools in Delhi to open for all grades from November 1


After more than 18 months, all schools in Delhi will be permitted to re-open for all classes—including at the primary level—from November 1.

Primary and middle school grades—up to class VIII—have not been opened for even a single day since schools in Delhi shut as a precaution against COVID-19 on March 12, 2020. Schools had opened shortly for classes IX to XII, starting January this year, before closing completely on April 9 because of the second wave of the pandemic.

They opened again for classes IX to XII on September 1, but there had been no approval for schools to open for younger children.

At Wednesday’s DDMA meeting, it was decided that all schools—government and private—may be permitted to open for all grades on November 1.

Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia said that this opening will be subject to some conditions. No parents should be pushed into sending their children to school and schools have been directed to ensure complete vaccine coverage of all staff members including non-teaching staff.

“It was informed in the DDMA meeting that in all schools 98-99% staff have received at least one vaccine. But now they should expedite the second dose as well and ensure that the few people who haven’t yet received a dose get it,” said Sisodia.

Parental consent will be necessary for students to attend school and schools will be directed to conduct teaching in a hybrid mode for the benefit of students who will opt to not physically attend school. Schools will also have to ensure that they maintain 50% of their classroom capacity while calling students to school.


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