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Sex assault case headed toward trial

Sex assault case headed toward trial


News Photo by Julie Riddle
Defendant Trenton Todd-Allen Agar, left, and defense attorney Devin Pommerenke listen in the 88th District Court on Thursday.

ALPENA — A 24-year-old woman in the 88th District Court on Thursday accused Trenton Todd-Allen Agar, 27, of sexually assaulting her when she was 11.

The News does not identify alleged victims of sexual assault.

Judge Thomas LaCross bound the case against Agar over to Circuit Court, ruling there was enough evidence for the case to proceed toward trial.

The woman, who had regular contact with Agar when they were children, said he made sexual overtures toward her when she was as young as 3 and he was 6. The contact escalated when she was 8, she testified.

The contact continued regularly until she was 11 and Agar was 14, the woman said.

As a younger child, she didn’t know the activity was wrong and didn’t report it, she told the court. She said the activity stopped after she told her mother about it when she was 11 or 12.

The case shouldn’t be before the District Court at all, said defense attorney Devin Pommerenke.

He argued the witness had given no evidence that could prove the sexual activity, if there was any, happened after Agar turned 14 — the age at which a sexual assault case is automatically treated as an adult offense.

The woman may have made the accusation to get revenge on Agar for an unrelated dispute, Pommerenke said, questioning apparent inconsistencies in the woman’s timeline of events from her childhood.

Pommerenke urged LaCross to refuse to send the case on toward trial, saying it should be handled in family court or thrown out all together because the defendant was a child at the time of his alleged actions.

LaCross disagreed.

Pommerenke asked for time to consider appealing LaCross’s decision.

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