Home FEATURED NEWS Should India not rename locations in China-occupied Aksai Chin?

Should India not rename locations in China-occupied Aksai Chin?



On April 5, Chinese spokesperson Mao Ning stated that Indian Arunachal Pradesh (Zangnan in Han Chinese) was a part of China’s territory and names of some components of this area had been standardized by Beijing as a part of its sovereign rights. Since 2017, China has renamed 32 geographical areas in Arunachal Pradesh as a part of its technique to assert over what it claims as South Tibet (Xizang in Chinese).

Chinese President Xi Jinping and India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Amidst claims and counter-claims on the 3488 km lengthy Line of Actual Control (LAC) with China, the bilateral place is that Beijing (as per 1987 Vice Minister’s dialogue) has staked a declare on each the western and jap sectors after in 1960 (Chou En-Lai) and in 1984 (Deng Xiaoping) proposed that China was keen to surrender its claims on the jap sector if India accepts claims of the middle-kingdom within the western sector.

While the Chinese place on the land border decision has modified as per its comfort and its international clout, the Indian place is constant because the occupation of Tibet by Communist China forces in 1950. India claims the whole Aksai China (as per 1865 Johnson Line) and Arunachal Pradesh as its personal territory.

Given that China is cementing its declare in East Ladakh by the primary May 2020 transgression aside from not permitting Indian Army to patrol inside its outlined limits, and by renaming geographical areas in Arunachal Pradesh since 2017, ought to India not additionally name the “Sinicized” names of geographical areas inside Occupied Aksai Chin by its previous Ladakhi names. After all, the Tibetan language is a spinoff of Sanskrit and never Mandarin Chinese language and there are Sanskrit names of locations like Hotan, Kashgar, and Tashikurgan in addition to East Turkestan (known as Sinkiang in Tibetan and Xinjiang in Chinese).

While India has printed a map claiming each Aksai Chin on the east and Occupied Kashmir in addition to Northern Areas within the west, it has not printed a map naming cities and geographical areas inside Aksai Chin since 1954. The freeway street linking Lhasa in occupied Tibet to Kashgar or Kashgiri in East Turkestan was inbuilt 1957. The PLA bodily occupied Aksai Chin within the 1962 struggle and since then China has been attempting to impose the 1959 line (outlined by Chou En-Lai) on East Ladakh.

Intriguingly, the Chinese cartographical aggression is coming at a time when the Opposition events in India, primarily the Congress are asking the Narendra Modi authorities to retaliate at Beijing for the May 2020 transgression in addition to Yangtze conflict in Arunachal Pradesh. Fact is that the whole territory in Aksai Chin and even components of Arunachal Pradesh was misplaced when Congress was the occasion in energy.

Although the Indian spokesperson has dismissed the April 2 Chinese renaming train by reiterating that Arunachal Pradesh was integral a part of India, Beijing isn’t solely indulging in psychological warfare in opposition to India but additionally telling its home viewers that President Xi Jinping will use the mighty PLA to revive China’s geographical claims each on Arunachal Pradesh and Taiwan.

Even although China has actually upgraded army infrastructure alongside the LAC and made Tibet right into a fortress, it can’t afford to make unilateral aggression on India to assert Arunachal Pradesh or impose the 1959 line. It is a recipe for mutually assured destruction.

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