Home Health Should You Drink Water Before Or After Meals? Here’s The Best Time To Have Water

Should You Drink Water Before Or After Meals? Here’s The Best Time To Have Water

Should You Drink Water Before Or After Meals? Here’s The Best Time To Have Water


Water is the elixir of life. This easy drink gives our physique with important hydration whereas flushing out undesirable toxins. Regular consumption of water is important for all physique capabilities and total well-being. Even our pores and skin and hair require a constant water consumption to retain their shine and glow. Many of us begin the day with a glass of water and that is extensively thought-about to be an excellent follow. However, to fulfill the each day requirement, we’ve to maintain ingesting water at intervals. And a query that usually comes up is: when is the appropriate time to drink water – earlier than, throughout or after meals? The reply shouldn’t be very easy. Here’s what specialists must say:

Should You Drink Water Before Meals?


Too a lot water might hinder digestion. Photo Credit: Pixabay

Some of us have the behavior of ingesting water simply earlier than our lunch or dinner. Maybe we’re thirsty or perhaps we predict that doing so will clear our palate/system. However, this follow may have an effect on digestion in addition to nutrient absorption. According to nutritionist Dr Anju Sood, “There is a certain fluid-solid proportion in our gastric system. If you consume water before the meals, you are not only disturbing the fluid component by diluting what you eat, you are also fastening the digestion process as the food now enters the large intestine much sooner than it should.” Rather than ingesting an entire glass of water instantly earlier than a meal, depart a 20-30 minute hole in between.
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Is It Okay To Drink Water During Meals?


Water glasses are sometimes stored at tables. Photo Credit: Pixabay

Now, it’s fairly widespread for many individuals to have water alongside their meals. Most eating places additionally be sure that water glasses are stored stuffed throughout a meal. However, in response to some specialists, ingesting an excessive amount of water with meals must be averted. Water can dilute important enzymes which are required for the right digestion of meals. Dr Anju says, “Some people who drink water alongside meals have also shown a tendency to have an expanded colon.” However, this primarily applies to ingesting plenty of water throughout a meal. There is not any hurt in sipping a bit.

Avoid aerated drinks which will worsen bloating and indigestion. Drink water plain or infused with a bit lemon, mint and/or ginger. This must be at room temperature or barely heat – however by no means chilled. Macrobiotic Nutritionist and Health Coach, Shilpa Arora states that chilled or chilly water “dampens one’s energy and weakens the kidneys. Never drink cold water with meals as this will solidify all the oily stuff that you have consumed. Very soon, this will turn into fat and sludge in the body, creating imbalance.”
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Should You Drink Water After Meals?


Chilled water shouldn’t be superb to your system. Photo Credit: Pixabay

Does this imply we should always drink water after consuming all our meals? Most specialists advise in opposition to doing so. Water can hinder the digestion course of that’s underway. This may also have an effect on your insulin ranges because the glucose from undigested meals is transformed into fats, which may then have an effect on blood sugar ranges. According to nutritionist Shilpa Arora, “Our body produces enzymes and gastric juices, pancreatic and other chemical juices that digest food. Drinking water closer to meals would dilute these digestive enzymes and juices leading to indigestion and improper utilisation of nutrients.” You can maybe take a sip or two of water after you are performed. But do not gulp down the complete glass.

Certain cultures have the behavior of ingesting heat water after meals. As talked about earlier, the water you sip on should not be too chilly. In small portions, ingesting heat water after meals could also be good to your intestine. This is historically based mostly on Ayurvedic teachings. You can read more about it here.

Another query folks usually marvel about is ingesting water after consuming fruits. There are many misconceptions about this matter. Click here to know what experts suggest.
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Disclaimer: This content material together with recommendation gives generic info solely. It is on no account an alternative to a professional medical opinion. Always seek the advice of a specialist or your individual physician for extra info. NDTV doesn’t declare accountability for this info.

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