Situation ethics: taking a vote on truth


One of the best comedy song and dance numbers in the history of musical movies is from “Royal Wedding” (1951). It is a duet performed by Jane Powell and Fred Astaire entitled “How Can You Believe Me When I Said I Love You When You Know I’ve Been A Liar All My Life.” Although I don’t advocate analyzing comedy, in this instance it’s obvious that much of the humor of the song lyrics comes from the man’s attempt to transfer the blame of his philandering onto the woman. He claims he was only being true to form and that her believing his lies is the worse fault.

The message is similar to that of a fable I first heard in a minister’s sermon. It concerns a frog and a scorpion. The frog agrees to carry the scorpion across a river if the scorpion promises not to sting him. When they are halfway across, the frog feels the fatal sting. “Why did you lie to me,” the frog asks; “now we’ll both die – me from the sting, you by drowning.”

“Don’t blame me,” the scorpion replies. “You knew my nature when we started across.”

Many years ago, I worked with a man who called in sick because he wanted to go fishing that day. A couple of days later he was called into the boss’s office and told that someone had seen him at the lake. Afterward, I asked him how he’d reacted to the accusation. He said, “I told him what he wanted to hear – that his witness was mistaken. If I had admitted it, he would have felt an obligation to do something. I lied to save everybody a lot of trouble.”

My co-worker was making use of situational ethics. While he may have felt that lying is, in general, not a good practice, in this situation, it was justified. It is a view held by many who engage in illicit activities – i. e., adultery, shoplifting.

Lying has been getting a lot of press lately, as it nearly always does during political campaigns. Years ago, I had an informal, off-the-record type conversation with a man who was running a statewide political campaign. He told me that no matter how high-minded the party platform was, it meant nothing if his people were not elected. “Winning is everything,” he said. “Candidates may bend the truth with pure motive.” Evidently, a candidate to whom truth is absolute is unlikely to be elected. On the other hand, it’s difficult for the voter to know whom to vote for if every candidate believes in situational ethics.

A problem that has become more prevalent in the past few years is defining truth. At one time, truth was judged by facts, but, as one journalist wrote recently, factual proof has been replaced by belief. In other words, the more people agree with a statement, the truer it is. Various religions have defined truth in this manner for centuries. As we’ve seen recently in Pakistan, some reinforce their view by killing anyone who disagrees. Early scientists suffered scorn and excommunication for using methods that disregarded personal beliefs. Even today, scientific proof is denied or “interpreted” differently by those who don’t like the outcome of an investigation. (Despite overwhelming evidence, including DNA, O. J. Simpson was acquitted by a voting jury.)

To be clear, I don’t agree with blaming the victim for their misfortunes – though sometimes they probably deserve it. Nor do I believe in situational ethics – unless I am the one in a situation. Finally, I hope that factual truth is never overruled by a vote – unless I am the one on trial.

Chuck Avery is a retired teacher who grew up in Connersville’s Bucktown neighborhood.

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