Home Latest Southwick Regional high school to allow intramural sports, interscholastic golf

Southwick Regional high school to allow intramural sports, interscholastic golf

Southwick Regional high school to allow intramural sports, interscholastic golf


One week after student-athletes at Southwick Regional high school protested the postponement of fall sports due to the coronavirus pandemic, the school committee reassessed its decision.

In a meeting on Tuesday night, the school committee re-voted on the manner, approving intramural play for all fall sports with the exception of golf, which will be allowed to compete interscholastically.

Back on Sept. 2, Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School District Superintendent Jennifer Willard initially proposed to the school committee that fall sports at the high school be moved to the Fall II window, citing the possibility of students contracting the coronavirus from other higher-risk communities during play.

During the protest in front of the school district’s offices, several student-athletes and coaches voiced their displeasure with the decision to postpone.

“Fall sports is what we look forward to going into every year,” Southwick boys soccer player Brennen Vinesett said. “We want to send the seniors off on a high note. Most people look at the sports as entertainment, for us it’s a lifestyle. It gets us away from the stress of school and life. It’s something we do for fun, but it’s something we have been doing since we were five years old. This last season means so much to us.”

“A lot of the decisions were made while other schools were still voting,” Southwick girls soccer coach Clarke Moore added. “Not all the information was out there. The MIAA and DESE gave full approval for the modified version of the game. A lot of people complained about how it will look, but modified soccer is better than no soccer.”

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