Home Latest Sports club set to expand with a brand new sport on offer

Sports club set to expand with a brand new sport on offer

Sports club set to expand with a brand new sport on offer


Tennis fans in Cheltenham could look forward to more opportunities to practise out on the courts after a tennis centre submitted plans to build five further courts.

East Glos Club, in Old Bath Road, Cheltenham, want to expand their offering with two more tennis courts and three new padel courts.

The tennis courts would be artificial surface, either clay or grass carpet, and are proposed to cope with the high level of demand for courts.

There will also be three new padel courts built if permission is granted by Cheltenahm Borough Council.

Padel is fast growing game which is a fusion or tennis and squash. Plans would see a disused grass tennis court converted into three padel courts, surrounded by a clear wall used for re-bound shots, similar to those in squash.

The club was originally set up 1883 and now offers tennis,squash and hockey facilities to around 1,500 members.

The design and access statement, prepared by the club as part of the planning application, reads: “These proposals represent a real opportunity to further enhance and improve the extensive and impressive facilities at East Glos Club.

 “It will provide for a high quality sporting destination for Cheltenham, increase the level of community participation on the site and engage more young people in sport.”

A decision date is not yet known and the application will be assessed by Cheltenham Borough Council’s planning officers.


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