Home Latest SPORTS FLASHBACK 1987: Niverville golf course on the drafting board

SPORTS FLASHBACK 1987: Niverville golf course on the drafting board

SPORTS FLASHBACK 1987: Niverville golf course on the drafting board


The Niverville Chamber of Commerce has taken step one in the direction of constructing an 18-hole golf course on vacant park land to the south of the neighborhood.

Niverville Chamber of Commerce president Clare Braun stated John A. Thompson of Golf Course Design Inc. has been retained to provide conceptual drawings for the proposed course. The drawings might take seven or eight weeks to finish.

Braun, who has spent 2½ months investigating the opportunity of a Niverville course, stated upon completion of the drawings, a public assembly will likely be known as.

Clare Braun, Niverville Mayor Gil Wiebe, Jerry Cousin, engineer; land owner George Dueck, and golf course designer John Thompson look over the possible location of the first tee of a future golf course in Niverville.
Clare Braun, Niverville Mayor Gil Wiebe, Jerry Cousin, engineer; land proprietor George Dueck, and golf course designer John Thompson look over the potential location of the primary tee of a future golf course in Niverville.

The course is predicted to be a public, shareholder-owned facility, and growth of the primary 9 holes might value $350,000 to $400,000.

A extra exact value estimate will likely be potential after the 95-acre website, situated south of the village, has been surveyed and the drawings accomplished, Braun stated. Shares are prone to go up on the market after the preliminary public assembly, the chamber of commerce spokesman urged.

“While Niverville has a lot of good, solid golfers, I am not at all convinced the village has enough to support a course.”

Braun added, nevertheless, he’s assured the course would appeal to golfers from a big surrounding space.

George Dueck, proprietor of the land website, identified surrounding programs are “overfull.” The website will seemingly be made obtainable on a long-term lease, Braun and Dueck indicated.

Braun famous Thompson, who examined quite a lot of potential websites Friday morning, stated the Dueck website was clearly probably the most appropriate.

If growth proceeds, the primary 9 holes may very well be open by late 1989. The second 9 can be developed a while later; nevertheless, the drawings will present for the event of an 18-hole course in two phases.

Jerry Cousin of J.R. Cousin Consultants Ltd., has additionally been employed to hold out a topographical survey.

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