Home Latest Squalane health benefits: From preventing cancer to enriching your skin, here’s how squalane nourishes your body – Times of India

Squalane health benefits: From preventing cancer to enriching your skin, here’s how squalane nourishes your body – Times of India

Squalane health benefits: From preventing cancer to enriching your skin, here’s how squalane nourishes your body – Times of India


There are several different additions to your diet which can make wonderful changes to your overall health-nourish you from deep within. Squalane is one such helpful wonder supplement, which has been talked about in the recent decade, and is a trending skincare ingredient.

But did you know? It’s also wonderful for your vital functions, and can help prevent multiple health ailments.

We discuss some of the miraculous health benefits squalane has to offer, and how it can be included in your everyday regime:

What is squalane? How is it used?

Squalane is touted to be an all-natural moisturizer which can benefit your skin and hair health. It’s considered to be especially helpful for better skin and hair health, since its composition mimics the body’s natural oils, and acts as a strong emollient, which is one of the reasons why it’s a part of many dermatological products.

What also makes squalane so healthy and rich is its rich properties. Full of antioxidants and healing properties, it has been often hailed as nature’s natural anti-ager ingredient.

Good for the skin

To make skin glow and vibrant, you need to nourish it from within. To make it healthy, that’s where squalane comes in. Since squalane acts as an essential oil, it infuses a good dose of antioxidants in the skin tissues, making it all supple and moisturized. Specifically used after the 20s, squalene application can prevent ageing and make the skin feel fresh and radiant. Despite being an oil, it’s lightweight and noncomedogenic, meaning it won’t clog your pores.

Boosts collagen

Squalane is known to fight skin damage and tame the destruction caused by free radicals. The rich antioxidant supply fights the toxins, and it also boosts collagen levels in the skin, which make it firmer and tighter, promoting its anti ageing benefits.

Good for the hair

Here’s another fun benefit of using squalane. While the use of squalane isn’t limited to skin and the face, it can also play a very crucial role in nourishing the hair, preventing breakage from the roots and increasing shine. If you live in an environment wherein you face excessive dryness, pollution or toxins, squalane’s application can counter ill-effects, replenish growth and prevent your hair from further breakage.

Acts as a detoxifier

When used regularly, squalane usage can also be an excellent detoxifier for the body, and purify you from within. Research also says that while it’s quite gentle, it contains rich anti-inflammatory properties which can help reduce feelings of redness and swelling.

Reduces the risk of cancer

While it’s therapeutically anti-ageing and anti-inflammatory, studies have also pointed out that squalane usage can prevent and actively fight the first signs of skin cancer, and promote cellular regeneration.

Typically, squalane use is also suggested to fight inflammation with skin conditions like inflammatory acne, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis and rosacea. Someone who battles extremely dry skin can also benefit from it.

What’s the best way to use squalane?

Squalane is often a part of dermatological solutions and medically tested creams. While it can be found in many cosmetic creams now, it’s usage is found to be the most beneficial when applied topically.

Could there be risks?

Although natural, do remember that everything natural doesn’t completely mean safe. Because its’ use is largely in the realm of skin health, there could be a possible risk of skin irritation, reactions, for those who have a sensitive skin.

If you use the moisuturizer for the first time, the best way to test out its safety would be to conduct a small patch test first, and read the label on the back of the product carefully before use. Also make sure to look for oils and supplements which are derived from plants, 100%, to make your pick cruelty free and sustainable.


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