Home Health Start Your Day With Corn Silk Tea – Nature’s Secret for Health and Flavour

Start Your Day With Corn Silk Tea – Nature’s Secret for Health and Flavour

Start Your Day With Corn Silk Tea – Nature’s Secret for Health and Flavour


Nature has gifted us with some unimaginable pure cures and superfoods, a few of which get observed and a few go unnoticed. One underrated gem is corn silk, the fragile strands that shield the golden kernels of complete corn we take pleasure in. Often discarded as waste, corn silk possesses a wealth of health benefits and culinary potential that deserve consideration. But how do you eat silk corn? In the type of tea. Yes, cornsilk tea is being pegged as a wholesome beverage with wonderful advantages.  

What Is Corn Silk Tea? 

Corn silk tea is a natural non-caffeinated tea made by boiling corn silk with water. Corn silk is changed with common tea leaves however affords related, perhaps higher, invigorating properties. Just like common tea, corn silk tea could be elevated with the addition of different flavours.  

Also Read: 5 Nutritionist-Approved Herbal Teas To Boost Overall Health


Corn silk is derived from corns.

What Is Corn Silk Tea Good For? Health Benefits of Corn Silk: 

1. Excellent For Weight Loss 

Corn silk is low in energy and excessive in dietary fibre. It will help you are feeling full for longer durations, decreasing extreme consuming and supporting weight reduction efforts. 

2. Supports Urinary Tract Health 

Corn silk has lengthy been used as a pure treatment for urinary tract infections and kidney-related points. It acts as a diuretic, flushing out toxins and selling elevated urine circulate. 

3. Regulates Blood Sugar Level  

Many research counsel that corn silk might assist handle diabetes by regulating blood sugar ranges. Its pure compounds are identified to enhance insulin sensitivity. 

4. Offers Anti-Inflammatory Properties 

Corn silk comprises antioxidants and anti inflammatory compounds that may assist scale back irritation within the physique. This will help with general well being, bettering bone well being and pores and skin well being amongst others.  

5. Improves Digestion 

The excessive fibre content material in corn silk aids in sustaining a wholesome digestive system by selling common bowel actions and stopping constipation. 

How Is Corn Silk Tea Made? 

We belief a recipe from an knowledgeable to make this healthful tea. Dietitian Sheenam Okay Malhotra shared a recipe for corn silk tea that you could simply make at house. All it’s important to do is boil corn silk in water, let it steep for a while, pressure it and add some lemon juice. You can add different components of your selection for further flavours. Feel free to sweeten it with honey. 

Also Read: 5 Morning Drinks To Cut Belly Fat

Incorporating corn silk into your wellness routine could be so simple as sipping a cup of the pleasant corn silk tea infusion, relishing its delicate sweetness and reaping its pure goodness. 

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