Home Health Step Up Your Tea Time With Crispy Fried Cauliflower: A Must-Try Recipe

Step Up Your Tea Time With Crispy Fried Cauliflower: A Must-Try Recipe

Step Up Your Tea Time With Crispy Fried Cauliflower: A Must-Try Recipe


When it involves night snacks, there’s nothing fairly just like the satisfaction of biting into one thing crispy. If you are seeking to strive one thing completely different from the standard samosas or pakodas, take a peek into your kitchen for some cauliflowers. Why? Because you possibly can remodel this humble cruciferous veggie right into a marvellously crunchy delight – crispy fried cauliflower! The golden, crispy exterior of the cauliflower will depart your style buds in awe, making your night tea a scrumptious affair. Let’s discover learn how to give this traditional consolation meals an appetising twist.

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Why Choose Crispy Fried Cauliflower?  

Once relegated to the shadows as a facet dish, cauliflower has gracefully emerged as a star in its personal proper. This versatile vegetable, with its gentle flavour and agency texture, is the right canvas for culinary creativity. The attract of crispy fried cauliflower lies in its irresistible crunch. With every chunk, you will expertise the fragile texture of a crispy crust giving method to the tender goodness inside. The distinction of the crispy exterior with the tender cauliflower inside is certain to mesmerise you. And the perfect half? It’s extremely straightforward to arrange!

Is Crispy Fried Cauliflower Healthy?

While conventional fried meals could depart you feeling responsible, crispy fried cauliflower gives a more healthy different to fulfill your cravings. Cauliflower is low in energy and carbohydrates, making it a wonderful choice for these watching their waistline. Additionally, this veggie is full of important vitamins reminiscent of nutritional vitamins C, Ok, B6, and folate, in addition to minerals like potassium and magnesium. So, indulge within the crispy goodness, however bear in mind it is nonetheless fried and accommodates oil, so do not overdo it.  

Also Read: 5 Quick And Easy Gobhi Snacks You Must Try


Cauliflower could be changed into scrumptious recipes. Image Credit: iStock

How To Make Crispy Fried Cauliflower:

To start, prep the cauliflower by washing and drying it, then reducing it into florets of equal measurement. Create a combination of all-purpose flour, garlic powder, purple chilli powder, salt, and black pepper. Dip every floret right into a bowl full of milk after which coat it with the flour combination. Heat the oil over medium-high warmth till it reaches round 350 levels Fahrenheit (175 levels Celsius). You can check if the oil is prepared by dropping a small piece of cauliflower into the oil; if it sizzles and rises to the floor, the oil is prepared. All that is left is to fry the cauliflower till it turns completely golden brown and crispy.  

Click here for the step-by-step recipe for crispy fried cauliflower.  

Serving Suggestion:

You can serve the fried cauliflower as they’re, or pair them together with your favorite dipping sauce like tomato sauce, chutney, and even mayo for an additional kick. Enjoy!

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