Home Latest Student feels ACCHS needs better technology

Student feels ACCHS needs better technology

Student feels ACCHS needs better technology


I believe we need new Chromebooks and just better technology in general at ACCHS.

The Chromebooks we have now often break and constantly seem to have problems. I know our school doesn’t have the type of budget to always be buying new electronics but I feel like new technology is needed when it is affecting the learning ability of students.

Personally, my Chromebook will often shut off for no reason and will freeze. I have told the technology advisor many times, but nothing seems to be changed. The Chromebooks are very frail which does not turn out well when you give them to teenagers. I believe that IPads would be a better solution because it worked well in the past before the Chromebooks we have now. Chromebooks are holding us back from our true learning potential. Changes need to be made.


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