Home Entertainment Survey: Gen Z streaming more eductional content than entertainment

Survey: Gen Z streaming more eductional content than entertainment

Survey: Gen Z streaming more eductional content than entertainment


September 15, 2020

VOXI, owned by Vodafone, has published research that shows 16-24 year olds’ appetite for streaming online content isn’t always just for entertainment. The research shows an insatiable thirst for knowledge and self-improvement, with 70 per cent of 16-24 year olds looking to learn something from video content, in comparison to just 1 in 5 streaming solely for entertainment.

The research, which shows that 83 per cent of 16-24 year olds stream content on their phones, was conducted after lockdown and shows this generation not only using their screen time to stay entertained and connected, but also to make a positive change to their future. A third of people surveyed said they had made money from a new skill they’d learnt from online video content they’d watched during lockdown, a quarter started a new career and over half (56 per cent) have positively changed their actions.

Two thirds (66 per cent) say they now have a more versatile skill-set and over half (58 per cent) feel more confident when facing the current cultural and economic environment, thanks to the factual entertainment they have streamed online. Over half (58 per cent) of 16-24 year olds now believe that online video content is a more effective way of learning than traditional methods (seminars, lectures, textbooks), showing a trend towards ‘self-service’ education.

Given their appetite for knowledge, it’s not surprising that over half (60 per cent) believe they are more clued up on current world affairs than their families and when big societal conversations arise, online video is one of the first places this generation turn to learn more about current issues.

Over half (63 per cent) admitted turning to video content to learn more about the LGBTQ community, three quarters (74 per cent) have increased their knowledge about ‘Black Live Matter’ and two thirds (62 per cent) know more about the #MeToo movement.

This ‘on demand’ style of self-service learning is allowing this generation to take education into their own hands ensuring they’re learning and creating passion points at the same time, with the top 10 subjects currently streamed as:

Top 10 subjects currently streamed
1.       History
2.       Environment/Climate Change
3.       Music
4.       Human Rights
5.       TV and Cinema
6.       Cooking
7.       Gaming
8.       Sports/Exercise
9.       Geography
10.     Fashion

Dan Lambrou, Head of Youth and Mass segments at Vodafone UK said: “We launched VOXI’s new ‘Endless Video’ plans knowing that streaming content was important to Gen Z. I’m also not surprised to see that given Gen Z is known for their entrepreneurialism and thirst for knowledge, that entertainment has taken a backseat over educational content series – helping to support career development, their understanding of the wider world or empower them to positively change their actions. This trend has only been fuelled during lockdown, as ‘traditional ways’ of learning stopped and we saw a number of major societal changes come to the fore.”

With Netflix (87 per cent) and Amazon Prime (55 per cent) taking the crown of some of the top video platforms used by Gen Z, the new service from VOXI means anyone can learn new facts from documentaries, enjoy the latest blockbuster films and catch up on that TV show everyone is talking about, without worrying about running out of data.

The research is launched to celebrate VOXI’s new ‘Endless Video’ plans which let people stream as much as they like from Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, YouTube, My5, TVPlayer and UKTV Play without using their data allowance.


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