Home Latest TEC providing technical documents for free, industry lauds move | Technology

TEC providing technical documents for free, industry lauds move | Technology

TEC providing technical documents for free, industry lauds move | Technology


Government’s telecom standard body Telecom Engineering Centre is providing free access to all technical documents to stakeholders with a view to easing manufacturing and public procurement hassles, an official source said on Sunday. Domestic telecom gear maker body TEMA appreciated the development, saying this was a long-pending demand of the players. “The access to Generic Requirements (GRS), Interface Requirements (IR), Essential Requirements (ERs) has been made free. Now anyone can download it from TEC and use it to meet their regulatory requirement,” a TEC official told PTI. Telecom gear makers are required to follow the technical standards set by TEC for supplying telecom equipment. Every player was required to purchase GRs, IRs and ERs for getting their product tested and also submit the same to meet the tender requirement of the public sector telecom firms.

It used to take 10-15 days for industry players to procure required documents. “TEMA thanks Secretary Department of Telecom Anshu Prakash and Senior DDG TEC, UK Srivastava and welcomes the historic decision of providing free access to specifications and technical documentations framed by TEC,” TEMA said in a statement. Telecom Equipment Manufacturers Association of India (TEMA) said providing free access to the most valuable technical standards shall be useful in accelerating the promotion of the knowledge of telecom technology as well as domestic manufacturing along with public procurement preference to make in India.

“Innovation is the key to self reliance. This decision of TEC goes well with PM’s Mission of Atma Nirbhar Bharat, Make in India, as industries would be able to use the specifications, ER, GR, IR etc. freely to fasten the innovation and R&D projects,” TEMA, Chairman Ravi Sharma said. TEC is also a certifying authority for conformance to essential requirements of the information and communication technology equipment being used in Indian Territory. TEC is also making standards for new technologies like AI, M2M, IOT, smart cities etc..


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