By Stephen Betts | Sep 04, 2020
Rockland — The regional career and technical center has postponed its opening for a week to align with the majority of school districts that send students to the Rockland-based facility.
Bobby Deetjen, director of the Mid-Coast School of Technology, announced the decision Sept. 4.
“As many of you know, two of our partner districts have made the difficult decision to delay the start of the school year. To ensure all Mid-Coast School of Technology students begin on the same date, we will also move our first student day to September 14,” Deetjen told board members Sept. 4.
The board will hold a special meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 8, via Zoom to approve the schedule change.
The Board of Directors of both the Five-Town Community School District (Camden, Rockport, Hope, Appleton and Lincolnville) and Regional School Unit 40 (Waldoboro, Warren, Union, Friendship and Washington) have voted to delay the start of school to Sept. 14.
Regional School Unit (Rockland, Thomaston, Owls Head, South Thomaston and Cushing) will start Tuesday, Sept. 8.
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