Home Health Telangana well being dept on excessive alert following rise in Covid positivity price

Telangana well being dept on excessive alert following rise in Covid positivity price

Telangana well being dept on excessive alert following rise in Covid positivity price


Health Minister urged folks with co-morbid situations like hypertension, sugar, coronary heart illnesses and most cancers to be very cautious and take precautions from SARS-CoV-2.

Published Date – 07:07 PM, Fri – 17 March 23

Telangana health dept on high alert following rise in Covid positivity rate

Hyderabad: The well being division has been placed on excessive alert following the rise in Covid positivity price as a consequence of new SARS-CoV-2 variants in Telangana.

For efficient administration of Covid scenario, it was additionally determined to extend the provision of Covid tests within the authorities hospitals, intensify efforts to check extra sufferers, offering therapy and administering Covid booster photographs.

Health Minister, T Harish Rao on Friday in a assessment assembly on the latest surge of Covid infections in Telangana and different elements of the nation, stated, “there is no need for people to panic over the rise of Covid infections. However, I urge public to remain cautious and follow Covid appropriate behavior. In case someone falls sick and has Covid-like symptoms, then visit the nearest government hospital for testing and guidance.”

He urged folks with co-morbid situations like hypertension, sugar, coronary heart illnesses and most cancers to be very cautious and take precautions from SARS-CoV-2.

“The State government is fully prepared to meet any kind of medical emergencies including a major surge of Covid infections. However, as a precautionary measure, I urge eligible individuals to get themselves administered with Covid booster shot,” he stated.

Senior well being officers together with Director of Public Health (DPH), Dr G Srinivasa Rao urged sufferers with typical Covid signs together with cough, fever and sore throat to go to the closest authorities hospital for testing.

Harish Rao reminded that Telangana is amongst prime Indian States to manage Covid vaccines to eligible people. “We have administered 7.75 crore doses of Covid vaccines to eligible persons in the State. A total of 1.62 crore precautionary or booster shots have been administered to eligible persons. I urge people who are still eligible to get a precautionary boost Covid shot,” he stated.

The Health Minister will even write to Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to make sure there isn’t any scarcity of Covid vaccines in Telangana.

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