Home Latest The Latest: Social Restrictions Reimposed for North England

The Latest: Social Restrictions Reimposed for North England

The Latest: Social Restrictions Reimposed for North England


LONDON — The British government has reimposed restrictions on social life in a swath of northern England because of rising coronavirus infections.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock says that as of midnight Thursday people from different households should not meet indoors in Greater Manchester, England’s second largest metropolitan area. The same orders applies to the surrounding areas of Lancashire and West Yorkshire counties.

Hancock says that “households meeting up and a lack of social distancing is one of the causes of this rising rate of coronavirus” cases in the United Kingdom. The number of daily infections has recently begun to rise after weeks of decline.

The affected region has a large Muslim population, and the restrictions come ahead of the Eid al-Adha holiday on Friday.


— Florida tallies another record high daily deaths

— India says herd immunity won’t work, need vaccine

— Health officials Birx, Fauci recommend face shields, masks

— Deaths are mounting rapidly in the U.S., and cases are rising in close to 30 states in all. The outbreak’s center of gravity seems to be shift from the Sun Belt toward the Midwest.

— More than 1.4 million laid-off Americans applied for unemployment benefits last week, further evidence of the devastation the coronavirus outbreak has unleashed on the U.S. economy.

— An AP NBA reporter’s town was hard hit by the coronavirus in the suburbs of New York. He shifted from covering sports to covering the virus and protests in the city. Now he’s heading to the bubble in Orlando to cover the NBA, which begins its postponed season.

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DENVER — Colorado Gov. Jared Polis says private school teachers across the state will be given medical-grade masks during the fall semester.

Polis previously announced that public school teachers will receive the masks each week for at least eight to 10 weeks, regardless of whether their school uses in-person, hybrid or remote learning.

Private and charter schools will have to pick up their supply of masks in the district headquarters or at a designated depot.

The governor also announced on Thursday a partnership with the Colorado Archdioceses of Denver to provide 2,000 masks a week to its 48 schools.

LOUDON, N.H. — NASCAR drivers and their teams competing this weekend at the New Hampshire Motor Speedway will be required to remain either at the track or at their hotels during their stay.

Gov. Chris Sununu said Thursday that “they don’t go out to dinner, they don’t go out and get coffee, nothing like that. They’re really quarantined in that bubble between where they sleep and where they work.”

The speedway in Loudon is hosting the Foxwoods Resort Casino 301 on Sunday, the first large sports event with spectators in New England since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.

While the state allowed the speedway to host up to 35% of capacity, the roughly 12,000 tickets sold amount to only about 20%. Fans will be required to wear masks when not in their assigned seats.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump on Thursday visited the headquarters of the American Red Cross’s to encourage survivors of COVID-19 to donate plasma.

Thousands of coronavirus patients have donated their plasma in hopes it could help other patients recover from the coronavirus, and scientists are testing if the donations might also prevent infection in the first place. Medical experts say the jury is still out on effectiveness of convalescent plasma on both fronts.

Trump was joined by several members of his coronavirus task force for the visit to Red Cross, and even stopped to visit with a plasma donor. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said 50,000 donors have given plasma but the nation needs hundreds of thousands of more donors to come forward.

If it if works, survivor plasma could have important ramifications until a vaccine arrives — raising the prospect of possibly protecting high-risk people with temporary immune-boosting infusions every so often.

Convalescent plasma’s most famous use was during the 1918 flu pandemic.

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Jose Freire Interian was walking his dog near his Key West home Wednesday, when a neighbor began recording him on her cell phone. Hours later, police came knocking on his door with an arrest warrant and whisked Freire and his wife to the county jail.

The charge: violating quarantine after testing positive for COVID-19.

As a national debate swirls over masks and self-quarantines, communities are grappling over how aggressively they should enforce myriad rules meant to control the spread of a novel strain of coronavirus, which has now infected more than 460,000 in Florida and killed nearly 6,600 of its residents.

“If the law allows someone to be arrested for violating a quarantine order and they continue to thumb their nose at the law — yeah they should be arrested,” Manager Greg Veliz said Thursday.

The couple will go before a judge in August, after posting bail Thursday morning.

Freire Interian expressed exasperation and speculated that the arrests were the result of a soured relationship with another tenant.

“I didn’t do anything. I was just walking my dog,”said Freire Interian, 24. “It’s not as if I left the house to go shopping.”

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. — South Dakota health officials report that one person has died of methanol poisoning after using hand sanitizer containing methanol.

The Food and Drug Administration has recalled and tried to stop the sale of hand sanitizers with methanol. Methanol poisoning is most likely to occur when it is ingested in larger quantities.

ASUNCION, Paraguay — Paraguay eased plans for tighter quarantine in a city on the Brazilian border on Thursday after roughly 60 people were arrested in a violent protest that included the looting of food, jewelry and electronics.

Health Minister Julio Mazzoleni said some businesses would be allowed to operate during the day, although bars, gyms and other sites of mass gathering would be closed as planned.

The protests Wednesday night followed the declaration of a strict stay-at-home quarantine in Ciudad de Este, which sits across the border from the Brazilian city of Foz de Yguazú. Much of Ciudad del Este depends on cross-border trade.

Brazil has some of the world’s highest rates of infection from the novel coronavirus while Paraguay has managed to keep rates relatively low. But infections in Ciudad del Este have made the surrounding state of Alto Paraná one of the hardest-hit in the country.

Roughly a third of Paraguay’s infections and deaths have occurred in Alto Paraná, which has about a tenth of the country’s population. The city has 22 of its 24 intensive-care beds occupied, said Federico Schroedel, director of the main public hospital.

Worried about the rising number of cases on the border, authorities decreed a near-total shutdown of the state on Wednesday and about 500 people gathered in the streets of Ciudad del Este to protest, officials said.

NEW ORLEANS — Dozens of demonstrators gathered Thursday in front of the city’s First City Court where evictions are held to protest that people are being evicted at a time when the coronavirus pandemic is still raging.

Earlier in the pandemic, a statewide moratorium protected renters from eviction, but that ended June 15. Shouting “Hey, hey, ho, ho, eviction court has got to go,” they blocked people from entering the court. A smaller group also prevented people from going into the main entrance of City Hall next door, while occasionally shouting “The door is closed!”

Frank Southall, an organizer with the New Orleans Renters Rights Assembly, said if people are evicted they are often moving in with elderly family members or other people. The ease with which the coronavirus spreads among close living situations means that could potentially help spread the disease. Since many of the city’s tourism-focused jobs haven’t returned yet, he’s worried that allowing evictions to continue could contribute to thousands of people becoming homeless.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Nashville health officials said Thursday that they are concerned that rising coronavirus cases in surrounding rural counties could overwhelm the city’s hospitals.

White House coronavirus task force leader Dr. Deborah Birx traveled to Nashville this week to implore leaders to close bars and residents to wear masks. Referring to her visit, Dr. Alex Jahangir, head of Nashville’s coronavirus task force, said during a Thursday news conference that Birx had made clear to them the virus is increasingly a rural problem.

As rural hospitals begin to fill, they will start sending patients to Nashville, Jahangir said. The city on Thursday had only 12% of intensive care beds open, he said.

Nashville Mayor John Cooper said the city is continuing to press for a coordinated response to the virus. Nashville currently requires masks to be worn in indoor public settings as do most of the surrounding counties, but Gov. Bill Lee has rebuffed calls for a statewide mask mandate even as virus case numbers and hospitalizations have continued to rise statewide. Tennessee surpassed 1,000 deaths from the virus on Wednesday.

NEW ORLEANS — More than two dozen unemployed workers chanted and held signs outside the New Orleans-area offices of two U.S. senators on Thursday to demand continued $600 federal coronavirus unemployment benefits.

Sens. Bill Cassidy and John Kennedy are among Republicans supporting Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s proposal to cut the benefit to $200 a week, which would be in addition to state unemployment pay.

“That would sever a critical lifeline at a time when coronavirus cases are spiking, businesses continue to face mass closures, and whole industries have been decimated,” protest organizers from numerous labor unions and activist groups said in a news release.

OMAHA, Neb. — The Douglas County board has approved a plan to spend $1.85 million in federal coronavirus relief funding to buy a mobile command center for the county sheriff’s office, despite objections from three board members who said the money should be used for rent assistance and other human needs.

The Omaha World-Herald reports that the board voted 4-2 Tuesday to approve the expenditure, with Sheriff Tim Dunning and supporters saying the vehicle could be used for mass vaccinations in rural parts of the county.

The county’s vote came as coronavirus numbers continue to climb in Nebraska. On Thursday, the state’s online virus tracking tool showed an additional 265 confirmed cases and three additional COVID-19 deaths from the previous day.

BURLINGTON, Vt. — Vermont reported its first new death from the coronavirus in 43 days on Thursday, bringing the state’s total number of deaths since the pandemic began to 57.

“We have been uniquely fortunate to have been spared such a loss for many weeks,” said Vermont Health Commissioner Dr. Mark Levine in a written statement.

The state also reported one new case of COVID-19, the illness caused by the virus.

The state is maintaining a relatively low rate of new positive cases because of “the cooperation and sacrifices Vermonters,” he said.

MIAMI — Florida tallied another record high in daily confirmed coronavirus deaths for the third straight day with 253.

The Florida Department of Health says that raised the state’s total death toll to 6,586.

The new deaths bring the average reported deaths per day to 154 for the past week, second only to Texas in the current resurgence of the outbreak.

The head of a congressional coronavirus oversight panel sent letters to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and three other Republican governors Wednesday requesting documents to show how their states are fighting the pandemic.

According to the letter sent by South Carolina Rep. James Clyburn, a Democrat, Florida is not following three recommendations outlined in a White House coronavirus task force report. It says the state is allowing gyms to remain open even in worst-hit Miami and Tampa, permitting a larger capacity for indoor dining and not limiting social gatherings.

MADISON, Wis. — Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers issued a statewide mask mandate amid a spike in coronavirus cases.

Evers, a Democrat, declared a new public health emergency and ordered the wearing of masks for anyone age 5 and up starting on Saturday for all enclosed spaces except a person’s home. The order also applies to outdoor bars and restaurants except when people are eating or drinking.

Violators would be subject to a $200 fine. It will run through Sept. 28.

Republican legislative leaders oppose a mask mandate, but they have stopped short of saying whether they would sue if Evers enacted one.

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