Home Health The many benefits of the Cobra Stretch: Alia Bhatt’s trainer demonstrates

The many benefits of the Cobra Stretch: Alia Bhatt’s trainer demonstrates

The many benefits of the Cobra Stretch: Alia Bhatt’s trainer demonstrates


From improving the flexibility of the body to boosting the range of motion – practising yoga has its own perks. It is also recommended by health experts to take up yoga in the regular fitness routine in order to keep the body and the mind calm. Yoga helps in improving the cardiovascular fitness to strengthening the muscles and the bones as well. Most importantly, it helps in relaxing the body and the mind, and helps in alleviating stress. Backbends are a form of yoga that help in bending the back and stretching the spine, thereby boosting balance in the body and improving mobility. Bhujangasana is a backbend exercise that is extremely relaxing in nature, and loaded with benefits.

ALSO READ: Alia Bhatt’s trainer Anshuka Parwani busts a yoga myth on flexibility

Anshuka Parwani, yoga expert and trainer to several Bollywood celebrities such as Alia Bhatt and Kareena Kapoor, is known for sharing health and yoga related insights on her Instagram profile on a regular basis. From giving tips on the yoga accessories to speaking of the unknown health benefits of incorporating several yoga asanas in the fitness routine, Anshuka’s Instagram profile is replete with such helpful information. A day back, Anshuka decided to speak about Bhujangasana. Also known as the Cobra stretch, Bhujangasana is performed by lying on the stomach and then slowly stretching the upper body upwards with the support of the palms on the floor. In the video, Anshuka can be seen demonstrating the asana. She further added that practising Bhujangasana helps in toning the abdomen, improving the blood circulation and strengthening the back and the shoulders.

Anshuka further added that this yoga asana particularly helps people who suffer from respiratory illnesses such as asthma. “A reclining back-bending asana, which helps to keep your spine muscles strong and agile and also improves blood circulation especially in the spinal region and reproductive organs,” added Anshuka. The Cobra Stretch also helps in opening up the heart and the lungs and toning the buttocks. It also helps in alleviating stress and fatigue.

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