Home Latest The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World – Politics Today

The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World – Politics Today

The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World – Politics Today


Australian journalist Antony Loewenstein’s groundbreaking e book, The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel Exports the Technology of Occupation Around the World, gives a chilling exposé of Israel’s military-industrial advanced and its sinister position in perfecting and exporting oppressive applied sciences developed via the extended occupation of Palestinian territories. For over half a century, the West Bank and Gaza have served as a testing floor for weaponry, surveillance instruments, and management mechanisms, solidifying Israel’s place as a worldwide chief within the military-techno advanced.

Loewenstein takes readers on a riveting journey via a clandestine world, backed by secret paperwork, revealing interviews, and on-the-ground reporting. The e book unveils, for the primary time, the meticulous structure of management that Israel has honed via surveillance, house demolitions, and brutality, evolving from the occupation of Palestinian lands. 

From the infamous Pegasus software program implicated in high-profile hacks to the weapons provided to oppressive regimes like Myanmar, Israel’s technological prowess is uncovered as a driving power behind a few of the world’s most brutal conflicts. A putting instance is the usage of Israeli drones by the EU and Frontex, battle-tested in Palestine, for surveillance and border management, significantly in response to the refugee disaster after 2015. 

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