Home Latest The Power of Women in Technology is Evolving to House More Leading Talents

The Power of Women in Technology is Evolving to House More Leading Talents

The Power of Women in Technology is Evolving to House More Leading Talents



November 7, 2021

Diversity has become a buzzword in the corporate landscape. To foster an all-encompassing workforce, it needs to start at the top. That is one reason why the upcoming years will start decorating the leadership roles with women. Female leaders are already making a remarkable stance in the tech circle and are devising a strategic future for the next generation of women to come. The ever-evolving, imaginative and inventive face of technology has welcomed an enormous number of women and in the future, it is anticipated to grow beyond the 50% mark.

Historically, women have been left out of the computing field. The worst case is that they have played a big role in building the computing industry from the ground up, but were often silenced and not given the recognition they deserved. Women’s voices and ideas can be found throughout the footprints of computers and technology, starting from introducing calculations in the early days to leading the global level artificial intelligence companies today. Fortunately, things have changed in the 21st century. Bringing dawn for women in technology, their leadership roles and talents are standing by them to showcase their presence.

Equality in technology starts from the root. Yes, education is the root here. For so many years, the pervasive myth that women are ‘right-brained and therefore more suited to creative or spontaneous pursuits has continued. But the tech sector is breaking the odds to recruit more women in leading roles where they can stand as an icon of power and creativity at the same time.

Every company is or is fast becoming a technology company. From simply having a website to using a digital payment system, deploying AI-enabled chatbots, or designing a self-driving car, all organizations are engaging in technology. As capabilities grow, many companies have also had to rebalance the gender gap that has long created a scar across the globe. As technology has advanced, diversity has retreated, employing more women to lead digital transformation. Diverse and inclusive workplaces are eleven times more innovative than non-diverse organizations. Better representation of women in tech will help to ensure that products and services are designed with them in mind. Therefore, the tech industry should promote more female leadership roles and male leaders should also introduce inclusivity to ensure that women in their company are treated respectfully and fairly.

Despite the increase in women playing leading roles in tech, the industry still needs to gear up in order to promote equality in the workspace. According to a report, just 23% of people working in STEM roles are female, while only 5% of leadership positions in the technology industry are held by women. However, the fate of women in technology can be changed by taking small initiatives every day. With business leaders anticipating a growing tech skills shortage, now is the right time for the sector to tap into the underutilized female talent pool and start leveling up the playing field.

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