Home Latest Top 10 world news: Fourth shot of Covid vaccine, Tokyo Paralympics ends, and more

Top 10 world news: Fourth shot of Covid vaccine, Tokyo Paralympics ends, and more

Top 10 world news: Fourth shot of Covid vaccine, Tokyo Paralympics ends, and more


While the world struggles to complete two doses of vaccination for all eligible students, Israel’s coronavirus czar, Salman Zarka, has hinted towards a fourth dose of Covid vaccine. In the UK, vaccine passports will now be required for nightclubs, mass events and large venues in England by the end of September, the vaccines minister has confirmed. Meanwhile, Taliban have announced women who will go to schools and universities will have to wear a niqab, sit in a different room than men, be taught only by female teacehrs and leave five minutes prior so that they do not engage with women.

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New normal: Israel’s health expert says fourth shot of Covid vaccine needed

Israel’s Salman Zarka said that as more variants are being identified and Delta variant is spreading at an alarming speed, cases, hospitalisation and Covid-related deaths are expected to rise.

Afghanistan: Top US General warns of civil war, says al Qaeda, ISIS may grow

The top Unites States Army General, Mark Milley, has warned of an imminent civil war in Afghanistan, saying that the conditions are ripe for the “resurgence of terrorist groups” in the country.

Vaccine passports needed to keep venues in England open

Expert said the parents of healthy 12 to 15-year-olds would be asked for consent if coronavirus jabs were approved for their children.


Guinea’s President has been captured and government is dissolved: Army

Group of Army personnel who stand opposed to Guinea’s leader have declared that they have captured the President and the government is now dissolved.

‘Genocide in making’: Afghan ex-VP calls on UN to end ‘Taliban’s onslaught’

The National Resistance Front of Afghanistan, led by Ahmad Massoud and Saleh, said it surrounded “thousands of terrorists” in Khawak pass and the Taliban had abandoned vehicles and equipment in the Dashte Rewak area.

Tokyo Paralympics declared closed: A summation of hope, courage & inspiration

Fireworks illuminated the sky during the closing ceremony of the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games at the Olympic Stadium as the Games were declared closed on Sunday (September 5) by IPC chief Andrew Parsons. 

Women who go to college have to wear niqab and cover their faces: Taliban

All women attending private universities in Afghanistan will have to compulsorily wear an abaya robe and niqab. It is compulsory for women to cover most of their face, Taliban ordered.

‘Justice for Afghan’: Restaurant runs out of food after it denies service to Biden’s supporters

A restaurant in Florida shot to fame as the owner declared that she will not be serving anyone who shares the same thought process as Biden on the issue of Afghanistan.

12-year-old boy dies due Nipah virus in Kerala; all you want to know about NiV

Reports said a 12-year-old boy died due to the Nipah virus as Kerala initiated contact tracing. The virus hit Kozhikode amid the coronavirus wave in the state.

IUCN’s Red List puts focus back on world’s endangered species

The list says nearly two in five sharks have been threatened with extinction due to overfishing and Indonesia’s Komodo dragons, which are the world’s largest living lizards, have also become “endangered” due to the rise in sea levels.  


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