Home Latest Top 10 world news today: UK ‘top target’ for Russia, China floods and more

Top 10 world news today: UK ‘top target’ for Russia, China floods and more

Top 10 world news today: UK ‘top target’ for Russia, China floods and more


After virus, China faces worst floods in 30 years

More than 140 people have either died or disappeared so far but the actual number could be much higher with at least 28,000 homes destroyed

Global rich are looking for safe heaven as virus rages

The Vatican City is an option too. However, the rich may not yet be keen on heaven. All they are looking for is a safe haven.

Coronavirus: North Korea enters vaccine race

North Korea has one of the worst healthcare systems in the world and many hospitals do not have access to running water or electricity. 

Climate change could wipe out polar bears by 2100: Report

Polar bears may be immediately affected by the consequences of climate change but other species in the animal kingdom may also soon follow.

People are more likely to be infected with coronavirus at home: Study

Out of 100 infected people, just two of them had caught the virus from non-household contacts, whereas, one in 10 were infected from their own families.

Iran: Recent attacks lay bare glaring holes in Tehran’s intelligence inputs

Adding fuel to this theory is a recent attack at iranian bases on Syrian soil.

China asks air travellers to upload COVID-19 test in app before arrival

According to the Civil Aviation Administration of China, travellers would have to upload a picture of their coronavirus test and submit it to the Chinese embassy or consulate.

Pompeo and Johnson discuss China’s actions in Hong Kong and Xinjiang

“The Prime Minister and Secretary of State also underlined their commitment to negotiate a strong UK-US Free Trade Agreement that benefits the economies of both countries.”

UK ‘top target’ for Russia, says intelligence report

The much-awaited report has criticised and accused successive British governments of welcoming Russia’s Oligarchs “with open arms”. 

India-China standoff: US House passes NDAA amendment; slams ‘Chinese aggression against India at Galwan Valley’

The amendment said China’s aggression and expansion around disputed territories, such as the Line of Actual Control, the South China Sea, the Senkaku Islands, is of significant concern.


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