Home Latest TPS postpones fall sports until October 1

TPS postpones fall sports until October 1

TPS postpones fall sports until October 1


This means that there will be no practices or games while the school is in at an alert level of red. There is still a possibility of moving sports to the spring.

TOLEDO, Ohio — Toledo Public Schools announced that all fall sports would be postponed until at least October 1. This decision comes as a result of a Thursday board meeting in which the district announced it would be moving to a virtual class setting to begin the school year.

This means that there will be no workouts, practices or games while the school is in at an alert level of red.

Two-a-days for high school football were scheduled to begin on Saturday, but now coaches within the City League are altering plans and trying to figure out what is next.

“With so much unknown, as a senior or a guy that’s really trying to have that year under their belt, it’s real uncomfortable for them at this time,” said Godfrey Lewis, head football coach at Start High School. “We’ve just been trying to keep everyone positive, and really just staying together. What I’ve been telling them is ‘Hey, no matter whether we have a season or not, we’re always a team,’ and that’s the biggest element of sports is that team component that’s gonna be missed for a while.”

Dr. Romules Durant, Superintendent of TPS, did not rule out the possibility of moving fall sports to the Spring. 

“I think it’s a great opportunity at the end of the day,” said Durant. “If for whatever reason we can’t have it in the fall, it’s not the end because we’re still working to make sure it happens. Because we host our own City League, we have the ability to hold a 10-game schedule along with a championship.”


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