Home Latest Trump wins Nevada caucus, consolidating GOP energy

Trump wins Nevada caucus, consolidating GOP energy

Trump wins Nevada caucus, consolidating GOP energy


Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump stands on stage throughout a marketing campaign occasion in Las Vegas on Jan. 27, 2024.

David Becker/Getty Images

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David Becker/Getty Images

Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump stands on stage throughout a marketing campaign occasion in Las Vegas on Jan. 27, 2024.

David Becker/Getty Images

LAS VEGAS — Former President Donald Trump handily received the Nevada caucuses Thursday as he continues his march towards the Republican nomination.

It’s his third main victory after commanding wins in Iowa and New Hampshire, serving to consolidate his management over the occasion course of. He additionally received the Republican caucuses within the U.S. Virgin Islands Thursday, including 4 delegates to his complete.

Trump completed the race with 98% of the vote, with <1% of votes counted, in accordance with the Associated Press.

His prime rival, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley did not get any of the votes as a result of she wasn’t on the caucus poll.

By successful the caucuses, Trump will probably be awarded the state’s 26 delegates.

It was the fruits of a confusing nominating process in Nevada the place the state truly held two nominating contest votes.

Nevada has lengthy held caucuses, however the state legislature handed a regulation in 2021 switching to a extra simple main vote to assist enhance voter participation.

But the nominating contests are run by political events, not the state.

And the Nevada Republican Party, made up of Trump allies, determined to stay with a caucus, which additionally award the delegates.

Haley invested just about no time or assets in Nevada.

And though she ran just about unopposed within the extra symbolic Republican main, she still ended up losing as extra voters picked the choice “none of these candidates.”

The victory additionally provides Trump extra momentum as they head towards the a lot anticipated main in South Carolina, Haley’s house state.

Haley has pledged to combat on. She and her staff have invested rather more time and power in South Carolina, the place she served for six years as governor.

But polls present Trump with a commanding lead in South Carolina forward of the Feb. 24 main.

Trump instructed reporters on Thursday he would not “really care” if Haley continues within the race, including nevertheless, “I think it’s bad for the party.”

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