Home Latest U.S. says Russia is laying the groundwork to assault civilian ships and blame Ukraine

U.S. says Russia is laying the groundwork to assault civilian ships and blame Ukraine

U.S. says Russia is laying the groundwork to assault civilian ships and blame Ukraine


The TQ Samsun bulk provider transits the Bosphorus Strait throughout the early morning hours on Tuesday in Istanbul. The TQ Samsun is the final grain ship, carrying corn and rapeseed, to depart Ukraine beneath the Black Sea grain initiative.

Chris McGrath/Getty Images

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Chris McGrath/Getty Images

The TQ Samsun bulk provider transits the Bosphorus Strait throughout the early morning hours on Tuesday in Istanbul. The TQ Samsun is the final grain ship, carrying corn and rapeseed, to depart Ukraine beneath the Black Sea grain initiative.

Chris McGrath/Getty Images

The National Security Council says that Russia is making an attempt a “false flag operation” to “justify any attacks against civilian ships in the Black Sea and to then blame them on Ukraine.”

The declaration comes days after Russia backed out of a deal that helped transfer grain from Ukrainian ports, threatening global food supply.

NSC spokesperson John Kirby advised reporters in a briefing Thursday afternoon that Russia might attempt to increase its targets within the Black Sea to assaults on civilian ships which might be transporting grain and meals.

“Russia has already announced publicly that all ships proceeding to Ukrainian ports in Black Sea waters will be considered potential carriers of military cargo, even though they are simply trying to pick up grain and food to be able to feed people around the world,” Kirby stated.

Kirby stated Russia is falsely making an attempt accountable Ukraine for sea mines that Russia itself planted, releasing a video of a detonation it claimed was from a Ukrainian mine.

Kirby stated the U.S. discovered it vital to declassify and publicly share the knowledge to warn that the Black Sea waters “are now more dangerous than they were before for civilian shipping and that’s because of one party and one party only: and that’s Russia.”

Earlier Thursday, the U.S. additionally introduced extra sanctions towards Russia to additional restrict its navy capabilities.

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