Home Latest UAE professor will get patents for breakthrough innovations in quantum expertise

UAE professor will get patents for breakthrough innovations in quantum expertise

UAE professor will get patents for breakthrough innovations in quantum expertise


The patents describe a graphene construction that serves as a high-performance quantum modulator

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Published: Fri 21 Jul 2023, 10:49 AM

Dr Montasir Qasymeh, an inventor and professor at Abu Dhabi University (ADU), has been granted two patents from the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for his breakthrough innovations within the area of quantum expertise.

“I am honoured for my work to have been recognised by the prestigious United States Patent and Trademark Office,” Dr Qasymeh, a professor {of electrical} engineering, stated.

The first patent, titled ‘Frequency-tunable quantum microwave to the optical conversion process’, was designed as an progressive technique for mapping out protons utilizing low-noise microwave expertise that gives optical area conversion utilizing graphene layers. The second patent was awarded for an invention titled ‘Frequency-tunable quantum microwave to optical conversion system’. The patents maintain super promise to revolutionise a number of industries and might be utilized in quantum computations, microwave expertise and optical communication.

The patents describe a graphene construction that serves as a high-performance quantum modulator, able to receiving microvolts by a microwave sign and producing optical photons on the quantum degree. By using interconnected graphene layers organized in an interdigital configuration, the construction capabilities each electronically as a capacitor and optically as a periodic medium.

“Through quantum technology, we seek to unlock new answers in computing power, communication security and information processing. We are sure that these patents will pave the way for transformative changes in quantum computations and communications,” Dr Qasymeh stated.

Among numerous functions of this quantum microwave-to-optical transduction system, one distinguished use is its integration into the development of modular quantum superconducting computer systems by using optical fibres. The system facilitates the interconnection of distributed superconducting cryostats and processors in quantum computing architectures. This expertise represents a long-awaited leap that unlocks a brand new realm of unparalleled computational capabilities.

“This accomplishment could not have been achieved without ADU’s ongoing support to its faculty members. Through fostering cutting-edge research and cultivating an environment that furthers innovation and paves a path towards new frontiers in science.”

Dr Hamdi Sheibani, dean of the College of Engineering at ADU, added that the 2 patents function a helpful addition to the present patent portfolio of each Dr Qasymeh and different college members.

“These milestones reflect ADU’s commitment to fostering a culture centralised around innovation and scientific research to drive collective global impact.”

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