Home Latest UMD Head Coaches Talk NSIC’s Cancellation of Fall Sports – Fox21Online

UMD Head Coaches Talk NSIC’s Cancellation of Fall Sports – Fox21Online

UMD Head Coaches Talk NSIC’s Cancellation of Fall Sports – Fox21Online


The NSIC says they will continue to explore opportunities to play fall sports in the spring.

DULUTH, Minn. – UMD is still buzzing after last week’s announcement from the NSIC that all fall sports would be cancelled. We spoke head football coach Curt Wiese and women’s soccer coach Greg Cane for the first time since that announcement as they expressed disappointment but understanding in the conference’s decision.

“Well given that we had gone through a few changes, it was not unexpected. It’s been a difficult summer being in the unknown. When that’s the case, I think you start to prepare yourself maybe for the worst news,” Cane said.

“Playing football wasn’t the right choice at this point, in my opinion. Although we all want to play and we all want to be able to flip on the TV on Saturdays when we go home and watch college football, the bottom line is the health of the community and the country should be and is of the utmost importance at this point,” said Wiese.

As for what’s next, both coaches say the focus turns to getting their players ready academically for the fall semester and keeping things positive for the athletic programs as a whole.

“We can either use this to motivate ourselves and prepare for next fall and/or this spring, or we can sit and dwell and make excuses for the reason that we’re not going to be in a good position next year. Our staff has done a good job. Our kids at this point have kept their heads held high,” Wiese said.

“Given that their lives are still in preparation for something greater, I think it could ultimately have a positive effect for them. It’ll teach them some tools about life throwing you question marks and unexpected things like that,” said Cane.

The NSIC says they will continue to explore opportunities to play fall sports in the spring.


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