Home Health Union Minister Urges Odisha Govt To Implement Ayushman Bharat Health Scheme – odishabytes

Union Minister Urges Odisha Govt To Implement Ayushman Bharat Health Scheme – odishabytes

Union Minister Urges Odisha Govt To Implement Ayushman Bharat Health Scheme – odishabytes


Bhubaneswar: Union Minister of State for Health, Dr Bharati Pravin Pawar attended the Argus Odisha Health Connect Programme in Bhubaneswar and urged the state authorities to implement Ayushman Bharat Yojana for the larger good thing about the folks.

“With the implementation of the Ayushman Bharat Yojana, a person from Odisha will be able to avail a range of healthcare benefit anywhere in the country, but unfortunately it is not being implemented here. The state government should think about it and implement it at the earliest,” Dr Pawar stated on the programme.

She stated greater than 6000 Ayushman Bharat well being and wellness centres are useful in Odisha. “The Centre has allocated Rs 1347 crore to the state under Ayushman Bharat health infrastructure mission to strengthen health infrastructure and set up advanced technology labs in every district for health check up”, she stated.

On India taking up the Presidency of G20, Pawar stated it’s a second of pleasure for the nation. She stated, India has proven its energy throughout Corona. “We have become an exporter of PPE kits and other medical equipment. India has supplied vaccine to more than 150 countries and had showed its strength as a world leader,” she added.

She stated Prime Ministeri Narendra Modi has known as for the Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam idea and according to this everybody ought to take efforts and contribute in making India stronger. “We are in the Amrit Kaal right now and focus now should remain on how to make India further strong. For this, a collective effort is the need of the hour,” Pawar added.

Calling for an Ek Bharat Swasth Bharat, the Minister requested the consultants taking part within the programme to deliberate and give you feedbacks and options which will be integrated in healthcare system in an effort to enhance the identical additional. “Feedbacks always make us better and I understand that such programmes are serving to that particular purpose,” she stated.

The Minister additionally visited ICMR’s Regional Medical Research Centre (RMRC) at Bhubaneswar and reviewed the capabilities. Commending the trouble and dedication of researchers through the Covid pandemic, Dr Pawar stated the nation is happy with the researchers, professionals and staff of the well being sector.

She stated, India’s achievement of a file 219 crore vaccine doses is a collective and mixed effort. The authorities is dedicated to offer inexpensive and accessible healthcare to folks on the grassroot. The Minister additionally launched a e book on ‘Odi-Sci: The odyssey of the women scientists of Odisha’ on the event.

The Union Minister had a darshan of lord Jagannath and reviewed the amenities at Dolabedikona Urban Public Health Centre in Puri.

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