Home FEATURED NEWS Updates: Army Officer, 2 Soldiers Killed In “Violent Face-Off” With China In Ladakh

Updates: Army Officer, 2 Soldiers Killed In “Violent Face-Off” With China In Ladakh

Updates: Army Officer, 2 Soldiers Killed In “Violent Face-Off” With China In Ladakh


Updates: Army Officer, 2 Soldiers Killed In 'Violent Face-Off' With China In Ladakh

New Delhi:

An Indian army officer and two soldiers were killed in a “violent face-off” on Monday night with Chinese soldiers at Galwan Valley in Ladakh, where the two sides have been ranged against each other over the past few weeks. Senior military representatives of both sides are meeting to defuse tension, according to an official statement on Tuesday.

India says “casualties on both sides” after Indian Army officer, 2 soldiers killed in “violent face-off” with China in Ladakh

Military officials from India and China are meeting now to “defuse the situation” after  an Indian army officer and two soldiers  were killed in a “violent face off” at night in Ladakh on Indian territory.  Army sources say the Indian army personnel were not shot. 

Beijing accuses India of “attacking Chinese personnel”: news agency AFP after 3 Indian soldiers killed in “violent face-off”.


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