Home Latest US scion Robert Durst charged with wife’s 1982 murder

US scion Robert Durst charged with wife’s 1982 murder

US scion Robert Durst charged with wife’s 1982 murder


US real estate mogul Robert Durst, already serving a life sentence for killing his best friend, has been charged with his wife’s 1982 murder, officials said Friday.

The District Attorney’s office in New York’s Westchester County said that a complaint charging the 78-year-old Durst with the murder of Kathleen Durst had been filed on Tuesday.

Kathleen Durst disappeared in January 1982. Her body has never been found. She was 29 years old at the time.

Durst, an estranged member of one of New York’s wealthiest real estate dynasties, was sentenced to life in prison in California last week for the 2000 murder of his friend Susan Berman to keep her from talking to police about his wife’s disappearance.  

A multi-millionaire, Durst was the subject of an explosive HBO documentary entitled “The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst.”

In its stunning finale, Durst is heard muttering to himself, “Killed them all, of course” — apparently unaware that a microphone he was wearing during the recording of that episode remained switched on while he was using the restroom.

The docuseries also delved into the 2001 death of Durst’s neighbor in Texas, Morris Black, who was found dismembered. 

Durst claimed the killing was self-defense. He was acquitted.

Durst’s attorney Dick DeGuerin told the Los Angeles Times over the weekend that his client has been hospitalized and put on a ventilator after catching the coronavirus.


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