Home Health Viral Video: Check Out This Easy Hack For Peeling Boiled Potatoes

Viral Video: Check Out This Easy Hack For Peeling Boiled Potatoes

Viral Video: Check Out This Easy Hack For Peeling Boiled Potatoes


Boiled potatoes are a staple in lots of Indian households. From parathas to aloo puri, this specific vegetable is a should. The meal appears incomplete with out aloo ki sabzi. Agree? But the whole technique of boiling the potatoes and ready for them to chill down in order that we will peel the pores and skin is sort of daunting. Now, the burning query is – is there a faster strategy to peel potatoes with out sacrificing your fingertips to the warmth? Well, an Instagram video making waves on the web presents a easy resolution for peeling boiled potatoes.
Also Read: 15 Best Potato Recipes | Best Aloo Recipes

Instagram web page ‘Ankitanoop’, in a submit, shared the potato peeling hack utilizing a ladle. The video showcases the lady arranging the boiled potatoes on a plate. First, she cuts them in half. Next, she employs a skimmer ladle, usually used for retrieving fried puris, to peel the potatoes. Wondering how is it potential? She positioned the half potato within the ladle and pressed it gently, following which the potato slid on the plate and the peel received collected on prime of the skimmer ladle. Next, she pulled out the peel and continued the method with different potatoes.

Take a take a look at the video beneath:

Also ReadNo More Wasting Potato Peels – Make These 5 Genius Recipes

The video turned out to be a success on social media with 4.7 million views. Many individuals appreciated the lady for sharing the aware hack, nonetheless, some discovered it “unnecessary.” 

A consumer wrote, “Good idea.”

Another consumer added, “Thank you for the hack.”

An individual penned, “Ek number idea.”

However, a piece of Instagram customers felt that the hack would solely double their work. One of them stated, “Esa karne se to kaam or bad jayega [ This will only increase work]”

Another consumer commented: “Mujhe Idea Pasand Nahin Aaya [ I did not like the idea]”

An individual advisable, “Pehle hi chill lo fatafat fir boil karlo [one can peel even before boiling]”

“Aalu chilna is zada easy thn extra bartn dhona [Peeling potatoes is easier than washing utensils],” learn a remark. 

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