Home Latest Wallabies scrum-half nominated as Sports Dad of the year

Wallabies scrum-half nominated as Sports Dad of the year

Wallabies scrum-half nominated as Sports Dad of the year


Our very own Nic White is among the top 10 elite Australian athletes vying for the Sports Dad of the Year award to be announced on Father’s Day on Sunday, September 6.

The Sports Dad of the Year will highlight 10 elite athletes across a range of sports, giving insights into how they juggle fatherhood with their sporting commitments. 

All voters have the opportunity to win special prizes for their own father this Father’s Day, with the winning Philips Sports Dad of the Year receiving $5,000 to donate to their charity of choice and Nic’s is DIPG. 

 “It’s a charity run by ex Rugby player Matt Dunn, who lost his young girl to the disease last year and is now in the pursuit of finding a cure. It’s a rare brain cancer in young children that’s currently untreatable” said Nic

We asked Nic whats the best thing about being a dad of two boys Leo (2) and newborn Sonny, “All of it. Leo’s got the best laugh, and we love to muck around and have a wrestle on the couch. Newborn cuddles with Sonny are awesome. I love being there for the boys to comfort them and let them know they are safe.”



His partner Melissa went onto say “Nothing fazes him and he never loses his cool. He is always very measured and calm with the kids. He’s incredibly hands on. Nick does nappies, bath and bedtime routines and provides Leo with hours of entertainment!”

This year’s other finalists include South Sydney captain Adam Reynolds, Sydney Roosters’ centre Josh Morris, Parramatta Eels’ back Michael Jennings and Penrith Panthers e nforcer James Tamou. They will be joined by Richmond AFL captain Trent Cotchin, Geelong’s Tom Hawkins and the Lions’ veteran mid fielder Mitch Robinson. Supercar favourite Fabian Coulthard makes his first appearance, along with Boomers and Cleveland Cavaliers NBA star Matthew Dellavedova.

Vote now for Nic!

Vote Here.

Voting closes on Tuesday, September 1, and the Sports Dad of the Year winner will be announced on Father’s Day.


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