Home Latest Wartime self-portrait by German expressionist Max Beckmann sells for £17m

Wartime self-portrait by German expressionist Max Beckmann sells for £17m

Wartime self-portrait by German expressionist Max Beckmann sells for £17m


Wartime self-portrait by German expressionist Max Beckmann sells for £17m

A self-portrait painted in the course of the Second World War by German expressionist artist Max Beckmann has bought in Berlin for 20 million euros (£17 million), which seems to be a document for an artwork public sale in Germany.

The purchaser of Beckmann’s Self-Portrait Yellow-Pink on the Grisebach public sale home within the German capital was not recognized. Factoring in extra prices, the client must pay out 23.2 million euros (about £19.9 million).

Beckmann was born in Leipzig in 1884. After the Nazis got here to energy in 1933, he was among the many artists whose work was labeled as “degenerate art”, and tons of of his works have been seized from German museums.

Auctioneer Markus Krause gestures in the course of the sale (Michael Sohn/AP)

Beckmann gave the portray to his spouse, Mathilde Kaulbach, who stored it till her loss of life in 1986.

He moved to the US in 1947 and died in New York in 1950.

According to German media, the 9.5 million euro sale final yr of a Fifteenth-century bronze sculpture of a Buddhist deity from China had held the artwork public sale document in Germany.

That beat the 4.7 million euros paid for an additional Beckmann portray, The Egyptian, at Grisebach in 2018.

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