Home Health Watch: California Health Officials COVID-19 Update For August 25

Watch: California Health Officials COVID-19 Update For August 25

Watch: California Health Officials COVID-19 Update For August 25


Watch live at 12 p.m. as California Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly gives an update on COVID-19 in the state.

Gov. Gavin Newsom said he plans to announce guidelines for reopening some businesses by the end of the week amid positive coronavirus trends in the state’s three most populated counties.

Newsom says Orange County was among five counties coming off a state watch-list that tracks positive test rates, hospitalizations and other metrics. San Diego County is already off the list, and Los Angeles County is showing positive signs. Newsom gave limited details on what the reopening guidelines would look like but said they would include the beauty industry.

California continues to bend the curve of coronavirus cases, though Newsom has stressed the need for more progress. The state has a 7-day average of 5,798 cases per day. Hospitalizations and ICU admissions have both decreased by roughly 20% in the last 14 days.

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