Home Health Watch: “How To Get Free KFC?” 2 Pranksters Did This

Watch: “How To Get Free KFC?” 2 Pranksters Did This

Watch: “How To Get Free KFC?” 2 Pranksters Did This


Free meals is superior and all of us would resonate with this sense. Whether it is a buddy’s social gathering or a free candy dish at meals retailers, we do not prefer to miss out on lip-smacking delicacies, particularly when we do not have to spend a single penny from our pocket. A duo took issues a notch increased once they posed as officers from the “Centre of Disease and Prevention” to get free hen at KFC. In a video uploaded on Instagram, two males strolling could be seen right into a KFC outlet whereas wearing hazmat fits. “Don’t worry…. No worries,” they’re heard saying whereas strolling as much as the counter.

Introducing themselves as officers from “Centre of Disease and Prevention”, the pranksters say, “there has been an outbreak as you might know in Europe with chicken. So, this is just precautionary… do you have one small chicken bite then we can bring it to the lab.”  The alarmed supervisor of the KFC outlet then asks, “Ok like. It doesn’t matter how much?” Replying to him, one of many two guys say that “the more the chicken the better the test.” 

(Also Read: KFC Launches Plant-Based Fried Chicken In US For The First Time Ever)


KFC is thought for dishes like fried hen. Photo Credit: iStock

Following this, the supervisor palms over a field of KFC hen wings to the duo and requests them to attend for “just two minutes” in order that he might give them “one piece of the original recipe.” As the supervisor steps inside to carry a contemporary batch of hen, one of many males appreciates his companion saying, “You do a great job for an intern. You are a good wingman.”

Moments later, the KFC outlet manager walks out with one other field of hen wings and palms it over. While putting the bins in luggage, the “officers” say, “So, you’ll get the result in six months. Just check your email.” Towards the tip of the clip, the 2 males are seen strolling out with the sealed packets containing the meals and relishing the hen wings later.

Watch the complete video right here:

The video has gone viral on the Internet, amassing over 7.9 million views and appears like Instagram customers have already given the results of this lab testing. One of them wrote, “Result: yummy yummy yummy”.  Another stated, “Result: it’s delicious.” However, not all have been impressed with the prank.

“Not funny, you can damage the restaurant by making people afraid to come there. Plus, it’s a crime to impersonate an agent,” a consumer reacted. “This seems illegal… impersonation,” learn one other touch upon the submit. 

What did you consider this devilish concept of getting KFC without spending a dime? Tell us within the feedback. 

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