Home Latest WFI Asks Dope Tainted Wrestlers To Return Medals Won During Khelo India Games | Cricket News

WFI Asks Dope Tainted Wrestlers To Return Medals Won During Khelo India Games | Cricket News

WFI Asks Dope Tainted Wrestlers To Return Medals Won During Khelo India Games | Cricket News


WFI Asks Dope Tainted Wrestlers To Return Medals Won During Khelo India Games

Six men’s freestyle wrestlers and as many Greco Roman wrestlers have failed the dope test.© AFP

Acting on the instructions of the government, the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) has demanded a return of medals and certificates from 12 wrestlers who have flunked dope test in the last four editions of the Khelo India Games. The WFI has asked its affiliated state units to help in the process, which began on Friday. “There are wrestlers who failed dope test during various Khelo India Games since 2018 like the School Youth and University Games. The government asked us to take back the medals and the participation certificates from them. They have also been excluded from the scheme,” WFI assistant secretary Vinod Tomar told PTI. 

Six men’s freestyle wrestlers and as many Greco Roman wrestlers have failed the dope test. 

The list includes Rohit Dahiya (54kg, FS), Manoj (55kg GR), Kpail Phalswal (92kg, GR) Abhimanyu (58kg, FS), Vikash Kumar (65kg, FS), Viushal (97kg, FS), Jagdish Rokade (42kg, GR), Rohit Ahire (72kg, GR), Viraj Ranwade (77kg, GR), Vivek Bharat (86kg, FS), Jasdeep Singh (125kg, FS) and Rahul Kumar (63kg, GR).

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