Home Latest ‘When exactly will you get our land back’: Rahul Gandhi again questions government on Chinese aggression in Ladakh

‘When exactly will you get our land back’: Rahul Gandhi again questions government on Chinese aggression in Ladakh

‘When exactly will you get our land back’: Rahul Gandhi again questions government on Chinese aggression in Ladakh


Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, who has been repeatedly questioning the Centre on the issue of Chinese aggression across the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in eastern Ladakh, on Friday took to Twitter to once again take a jibe at the government.

“The Chinese have taken our land. When exactly is GOI planning to get it back? Or is that also going to be left to an Act of God?” the former Congress president asked on Twitter.

He was referring to finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s recent remark that Covid-19 was an ‘act of God’ which may result to contraction of the economy this fiscal.

Gandhi’s tweet comes after external affairs minister S Jaishankar met his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi on Thursday evening on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit in Moscow. At the meeting between the two leaders, India and China reached a five-point consensus on easing border tensions in Ladakh.

Last week, defence minister Rajnath Singh, too, had met his Chinese counterpart, General Wei Fenghe, in the Russian capital.


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