Home Latest Wichita students first-day for online learning was met with technology woes

Wichita students first-day for online learning was met with technology woes

Wichita students first-day for online learning was met with technology woes


WICHITA, Kan. (KSNW)-It was back to school for Wichita students. With tens of thousands of students connecting through MySchool Remote for the first time, it wasn’t all smooth sailing.

From wifi and login problems to the district’s IT helpline experiencing issues, some parents said the first day of school had its share of first day glitches.

“We had no sound on her computer for the majority of the day,” said mother Susan Green.

For Susan Green, troubleshooting her daughters laptops took up most of the school day.

“When I finally got to the point where they put me on hold, to wait to actually speak to somebody, I was on hold for over an hour and got hung up on,” she said.

While Green was able to eventually meet with teachers and get it worked out, it took all day.

For teacher Stacie Turner, she said she experienced some issues in her online classroom as well.

“The team’s app went down on our principal’s end and we were all just like oh no, but after a few minutes we got it back up,” said teacher Stacie Turner.

She also said that two of her students out of 40 never logged in, but it was to be expected on the first day.

“I knew it was going to be a matter of when not if,” she said. “I was really nervous at first but we worked through it.”

The district faced issues with the IT helpline. Wichita Public Schools released this statement:

“We have started an amazing journey to transform teaching and learning in the Wichita Public Schools. Today we had tens of thousands of students who connected through MySchool Remote for the first time. That included 400,000 Teams calls representing classes of students and teachers working together remotely.  Our helpline was very busy assisting families who had trouble connecting or needed help in understanding the technology. We expected some issues to arise and we are working to resolve those issues as quickly as possible. Tomorrow we’ll announce another layer of support that we will provide to families to help them in this new way of learning.  We ask that everyone practice patience, flexibility, and grace as we tackle these challenges. If students were not able to connect today due to technology issues, they won’t be counted absent as long as they contact their school and let them know the reason for the absence.”

Wichita Public Schools, Susan Arensman

While there were many challenges, both Green and Turner are hopeful everything will be worked out in a few weeks and are excited to be back in school.

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