Home Health Winona County health department finds COVID-19 outbreak in Lewiston

Winona County health department finds COVID-19 outbreak in Lewiston

Winona County health department finds COVID-19 outbreak in Lewiston


  • Sunday, July 26: An unorganized game of basketball at “Crossings” (Crossings Center, 170 S. Fremont St.)
  • Monday, July 27: Football camp in the morning and basketball camp in the evening at Lewiston-Altura High School
  • Tuesday, July 28: Football camp in the morning and basketball camp in the evening at Lewiston-Altura High School
  • Wednesday, July 29: Seven-on-seven football at Paul Giel Field in Winona.
  • Wednesday, July 29: Lewiston Farmer’s Market. (There is a potentially lower risk of transmission at this event)
  • Thursday, July 30: Evening basketball camp at Lewiston-Altura High School.
  • Thursday, July 30: An unorganized basketball game at Crossings in Lewiston.

“Certainly having students diagnosed with COVID-19 brought a sudden reality to the situation,” said Gwen Carman, superintendent of Lewiston-Altura School district, which includes the high school where some of the sports camps in question took place.

“What I’m learning is that it’s very, very difficult to know exactly when the transmission or transmissions may have happened. There were multiple times the students were together in different activities,” Carman said.


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