Home Latest World Environmental Health Day 2021: Theme, History and Significance

World Environmental Health Day 2021: Theme, History and Significance

World Environmental Health Day 2021: Theme, History and Significance


World Environmental Health Day 2021:
Image Source : PIXABAY

World Environmental Health Day 2021: Theme, History and Significance

World Environmental Health Day 2021 is observed annually on September 26 to spread awareness globally regarding the health of the environment. The central idea behind celebrating this day is that the health of the human race is irrevocably intertwined with the health of the environment. Therefore, in order to protect and advance human health, preserving and enhancing the planet’s health is not a matter of choice instead a matter of concern. 


The theme for this year is ‘Prioritising Environmental Health for healthier communities in the global recovery.’ 


The day was marked by the International Federation of Environmental Health in 2011. The main aim is the well being of people across the globe. 

The IFEH is wholly dedicated to the development and dissemination of knowledge on the protection and subsequent improvement of environmental health. A large part of their work is focused on scientific and technical research and the exchange of ideas for the same. 

Speaking about the theme, IFEH president Susana Paixao said, “It is necessary that the world understands there is an integral connection between the environment, health and the economy. It is therefore important to invest in healthy and green recovery, close to all communities, with the support of the Environmental Health workforce and with collaboration from the International Federation of Environmental Health. That’s why we choose this theme”.


It is necessary for us to accept that there is an integral connection between the environment, health and the economy. It is therefore important to invest in healthy and green recovery, close to all communities.

As we are going through difficult times, due to COVID-19, declared by the WHO as Pandemic. It becomes all the more important for the human race to pay attention on the environment and try to create balance. 

The World Health Organization launched the “Manifesto for a healthy recovery of COVID19”, with the objective of taking advantage of the momentum that we are facing worldwide.  In the sense of a quick post-COVID recovery, an investment focused on a strategy to promote sustainable development in its three axes (economy, environment and society) is necessary.

-with ifeh inputs


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