Home Latest World News 04.10

World News 04.10

World News 04.10


Warsaw Security Forum begins in the Polish capital, Ukrainian counter-offensive in the south towards occupied Kherson gains momentum, and North Korea shoots a ballistic missile over Japan. This and much more are in the Tuesday edition of World News.

Warsaw Security Forum

Ukrainian first lady Olena Zelenska made a surprise appearance at the Warsaw Security Forum. She appealed for further assistance for her country in the face of the Russian invasion. TVP World’s Owidiusz Nicieja reported from the first day of the two-day Forum, whose programme is packed with high-level panel discussions, and focused on issues of security on NATO’s eastern flank.

Ukrainian counter-offensive

Russians are struggling to hold on to their territorial gains in Ukraine. With the support of western weapons, supplies and intelligence, the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue their march in the south and east, expelling the invaders from the country’s internationally recognised borders.

Hunamitarian needs

TVP World’s correspondent in Ukraine, Don Arleth, spent the last few weeks in the Kharkiv Region, which has now been virtually fully de-occupied. Now, authorities and NGOs are faced with the challenge of trying to address the humanitarian needs of the liberated population.

No agreement on reparations

The heads of the Polish and German foreign ministries met on Tuesday in Warsaw, where they discussed the official note the Polish MFA signed the day before, outlining the country’s reparations claim against Germany. The two chief diplomats also spoke about their countries’ support for Ukraine.

Diplomatic tit-for-tat

As the war in Ukraine continues, clashes are taking place not only on the battlefield but in diplomacy as well. The confrontation here is between two schools of diplomacy. Russia is still represented by Soviet-era diplomats, while its Ukrainian counterparts are embracing new methods and are achieving significant results.

EU struggles with illegal migration

As many European governments struggle to cope with the migrants that have arrived in their countries in recent years, the EU is facing a growing influx of illegal migrants at its borders.

Little trust for Liz Truss

On the heels of the UK’s recent tax U-turn comes another seismic moment for Liz Truss’ government. Our correspondent, Klaudia Czerwińska reported from London on the debate concerning the future of public benefits amidst “mounting anger” within her own party ranks.

North Korean missile over Japan

North Korea launched a test rocket over Japan for the first time in five years, sparking concerns over an armed escalation in Asia. Japanese authorities were outraged over the test and immediately responded with joint military exercises with the United States.

Protest against World Cup

With the 2022 World Cup in Qatar on the horizon, more and more countries are voicing concerns over human rights violations in the Arab country. To protest the slave-like working conditions and various restrictions faced by women and LGBT communities, some European football associations have issued special jerseys for the upcoming tournament.

Three scientists share Nobel in physics

Moving on to the world of science. Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser, and Anton Zeilinger have won this year’s Nobel prize in Physics for their work on a phenomenon Einstein called “spooky action at a distance”, also known under the more scientific term “quantum entanglement”.

World News’ guest

TVP World’s Owidiusz Nicieja held an exclusive interview with Zbigniew Pisarski, organiser of the Warsaw Security Forum and founder and president of the Casimir Pulaski Foundation.


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