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World News 17.10


Protests in front of the Iranian embassy in the Polish capital against Iran’s sale of kamikaze drones to Russia, Germany refuses to accept monetary responsibility for war crimes committed in Poland during WW2, . This and much more are in the Monday edition of World News.

Ukrainians protest Iran’s involvement

TVP World’s reporter Owidiusz Nicieja was outside the Iranian Embassy in Warsaw, where, following the recent Russian strikes on Kyiv, Ukrainians living in Poland came out to protest Tehran’s sale of kamikaze drones to Russia, which have been used extensively in the latest attacks.

Russian strikes on Kyiv

A week after launching a mass strike against Kyiv and other cities and towns across Ukraine, Russia has struck again. Multiple attacks have been reported across the country since Sunday evening, and in the early morning hours on Monday, the capital was struck again.

Germany’s unpaid debt

World War Two brought immense suffering to the Polish nation. Now, Poland is demanding around USD 1.3 trillion in reparations from Germany as restitution for the latter’s wartime crimes. Despite priding itself on its adherence to the rule of law, Germany considers the issue of reparations closed.

Russian war crimes’ international tribunal

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin and his minions can now face justice. The Baltic States unveiled a proposal to establish a special tribunal to prosecute Russian war crimes it committed in Ukraine. Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia made the announcement ahead of the EU Foreign Affairs Council session.

Russian espionage tourism

Russians seem to be up to their old tricks, as the Norwegian police detained several Russian “tourists”, who were covertly flying drones in the vicinity of a Norwegian offshore oil platform and carried with them a large cache of sophisticated photographic equipment.

Bulgaria under cyberattack

A series of cyberattacks swept through Bulgaria this weekend. A preliminary investigation has identified Russian hackers as the likely perpetrators. This is the latest in a string of similar attacks to take place since the war in Ukraine broke out.

UK economy takes a U-turn

UK’s “mini-budget” announced by PM Liz Truss was supposed to save the British economy but set it back even further. The UK’s new Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, has now made a major U-turn, ripping the Prime Minister’s previous plans to shreds. A report from TVP World’s resident correspondent in London.

New Swedish cabinet

Sweden is changing course after a new right-wing prime minister was voted into office. Despite his razor-thin majority of only three votes, and the Sweden Democrats supporting the cabinet while staying out of it, PM Ulf Kristersson claims he is fully prepared to create a stable and reliable cabinet.

K-pop BTS band is in the army now

The seven members of South Korea’s BTS boyband, one of the world’s most celebrated K-pop stars, will perform their compulsory military service in South Korean armed services, ending a long-running national debate on whether they should receive exemptions.

Świątek wins San Diego WTA

WTA’s number one player Iga Świątek defeated Croatian Donna Vekić in the final match of the WTA 500 hard court tournament in San Diego. For 2022, counting only games played in the United States, Świątek boasts an impressive record of 24 wins and only one loss.

World News’ guest

TVP World’s guest was Wojciech Kozłowski, PhD, Deputy Director of the Pilecki Institute, invited to discuss Poland’s claim on wartime reparations against Germany.


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