Home Latest World News Day 2020: Why do we observe World News Day? All you need to know about history and importance of this day

World News Day 2020: Why do we observe World News Day? All you need to know about history and importance of this day

World News Day 2020: Why do we observe World News Day? All you need to know about history and importance of this day


World News Day 2020: World News Day is observed to raise awareness about the vital role journalists and media organisations play in our lives to provide us credible news

Updated: Sun, 27 Sep 2020 04:22 PM IST

New Delhi | Jagran News Desk: World News Day is observed on September 28 every year to raise awareness about the vital role journalists and media organisations play in our lives to provide us credible news and make people aware about their surroundings. This year, we will be celebrating the third annual World News Day.

This year, news organisations and media houses will come together across the world and will highlight the role of journalists in our day-to-day lives to provide us credible news. 

History and importance of World News Day:

World News Day is an initiative driven by the Canadian Journalism Foundation and the World Editors Forum to raise awareness about the critical role of the journalists in our lives. The first World News Day was observed on September 28, 2018. However, the aim of this day is not to observe it as an ‘industry celebration’ but rather as a day to raise awareness about media and journalism among people. Interestingly, World News Day coincides with the UN International Day for Access to Information.

Here are some quotes on World News Day:

“World News Day is about recognising the people in the news and listening to how journalism has made a difference in their lives”

“World News Day is a resolution designed to support local journalism at a time when Facebook and Google and other sites are siphoning off all the revenue and leaving local journalism in a desperate place”

“World News Day this year will be an occasion to tell the story of how 100 newsrooms from across the planet responded to this global crisis and played a role in keeping our societies well informed, as well as bringing our communities together, so critical in these testing times”

“World News Day is about recognizing the people in the news and listening to how journalism has made a difference in their lives. It is about coming together across the continents and displaying support for journalists and their audiences who together, using facts and understanding, make the world a better place”

“At a time when so much has been turned on its head, this much has become clear: Real news matters. The truth matters. Objectivity matters. Balance and fairness matter”

Posted By: Aalok Sensharma


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