Home Latest World News | Ethiopia: At Least 26 Killed in Drone Strike in Amhara Region | LatestLY

World News | Ethiopia: At Least 26 Killed in Drone Strike in Amhara Region | LatestLY

World News | Ethiopia: At Least 26 Killed in Drone Strike in Amhara Region | LatestLY


Ethiopia’s incumbent Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed

Addis Ababa [Ethiopia], August 14 (ANI): According to well being professionals, a drone strike in a city in Ethiopia’s Amhara area resulted within the deaths of no less than 26 civilians. Voice of America (VOA) claimed that for the previous 4 months, there was preventing between federal authorities forces and a neighborhood militia that participated in the identical facet of the present battle within the Tigray area.

The assault occurred on Sunday within the Amhara area of Ethiopia’s West Gojam Zone’s centre city of Finote Selam.

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A health care provider at Finote Selam Hospital who spoke on the situation of anonymity mentioned injured folks began arriving round noon, VOA reported.

“There are many people who died at the site of the accident, but we do not have the exact numbers of that,” the physician mentioned.

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“But the ones who arrived here and passed away are around 26 people as of now,” he added.

Amhara militia known as Fano fought alongside federal troops against Tigrayan forces during the two-year war that ended last November in the Tigray region.

Fighting between the federal government and Fano was sparked in April when the government ordered the militia to integrate with the country’s police or military following the peace deal in Tigray, VOA reported.

Essential supplies for saving lives, including oxygen tanks, have been running short due to roadblocks in the area, according to health workers in Finote Selam.

The doctor said the hospital struggled to deal with the wounded from the drone strike.

“The hospital did not have the capacity to handle even the ones who came yesterday,” he said.

“There were more than 100 injured people who came in at the beginning and many more after that,” he added.

The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission, in a statement released on Monday, said that it received credible reports of shelling in Finote Selam as well as two other locations in the Amhara region, Burie and Debre Birhan, VOA reported.

The commission also said that civilians were subject to beatings and killings in many areas of Bahir Dar, the capital city of the Amhara region.

The Ethiopian government announced the arrest of 23 individuals in relation to what it called illegal activities last Friday, 10 days after declaring a state of emergency in Amhara, VOA reported.

Among those arrested were an opposition parliamentarian, Christian Tadele, and the editor-in-chief of the online news outlet Alpha Media, Bekalu Alamrew. (ANI)

(This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff could not have modified or edited the content material physique)

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