Home Latest World News | Germany-based World Uyghur Congress Nominated for 2023 Nobel Peace Prize | LatestLY

World News | Germany-based World Uyghur Congress Nominated for 2023 Nobel Peace Prize | LatestLY

World News | Germany-based World Uyghur Congress Nominated for 2023 Nobel Peace Prize | LatestLY


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Washington [US], March 9 (ANI): Germany-based Uyghur rights group, World Uyghur Congress, has been nominated for the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize for its work towards peace, democracy and the plight of the Uyghur and different Turkic individuals who dwell beneath what the nomination letter described as a “repressive regime in China,” Voice of America (VOA) reported.

Canadian lawmakers and a frontrunner of the Young Liberals in Norway, the youth wing of Norway’s Venstre political get together, nominated the group.

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“The World Uyghur Congress has the main purpose of promoting democracy, human rights, and freedom for the Uyghur People and supporting the use of peaceful, non-violent, and democratic means to help the Uyghurs achieve self-determination,” the nomination letter learn.

Although the committee did not disclose the names of the Nobel Peace nominees due to the foundations, Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe, considered one of two Canadian members of parliament who nominated the group, revealed the identify and shared the letter with VOA.

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The awards ceremony takes place in December in Oslo.

The nomination letter famous the World Uyghur Congress has drawn international consideration to China’s therapy of Uyghurs with “the overwhelming campaign of physical, religious, linguistic, and cultural repression” by the Chinese authorities.

“To achieve this, the World Uyghur Congress has a wide range of activities, including campaigning for the rights of people being forcefully disappeared, advocating for the release of political prisoners, protecting the rights of asylum seekers to prevent forcible repatriation to China, and advocating at the UN, EU, and national level, where the WUC has successfully contributed to numerous achievements, which led to the international community developing policies and actions to help secure the rights of the Uyghurs,” Brunelle-Duceppe stated within the letter.

Beijing has repeatedly denied mistreating Uyghurs, with China’s state information company, Xinhua, describing the allegations as “lies” concocted by “anti-China forces in the West,” in response to VOA.

“Xinjiang-related issues are not about human rights, ethnicity or religion at all, but about combating violent terrorism and separatism,” acknowledged Xinhua in a 2021 article, because it identified the area has skilled financial and social improvement.

The Chinese embassy in Washington criticized the World Uyghur Congress’ nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize.

“It is hoped that the prize will contribute to global peace and development, rather than falling into a political tool at the disposal of a few politicians,” Chinese embassy spokesperson Liu Pengyu informed VOA in an e-mail.

“The so-called ‘World Uyghur Congress’ has close linkages with terrorist organizations. Nominating such an organization for the Nobel Peace Prize is highly detrimental to world peace and is a great irony of the Nobel Peace Prize,” the mail added, in response to VOA

Last August, the UN human rights workplace launched a report on Xinjiang, which acknowledged that China has dedicated “serious human rights violations” towards the Uyghur. The report additionally acknowledged that China has dedicated to “other predominantly Muslim communities” in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR).

“The Chinese government has perpetrated the same lies for decades,” Zumretay Arkin, advocacy supervisor of the World Uyghur Congress, informed VOA.

“The fact that the WUC was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize is proof that the free and democratic world has recognized the World Uyghur Congress’ work as valuable and important. Instead of defaming such organizations, the Chinese government should listen to the democratic world,” VOA quoted Arkin saying.

According to the group’s web site, the World Uyghur Congress was based in 2004, in Munich, Germany, after the East Turkistan National Congress and the World Uyghur Youth Congress merged into one group. (ANI)

(This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff could not have modified or edited the content material physique)

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