Home Latest World News | Israel Envoy: 2 Missing Filipinos ‘probably’ Kidnapped | LatestLY

World News | Israel Envoy: 2 Missing Filipinos ‘probably’ Kidnapped | LatestLY

World News | Israel Envoy: 2 Missing Filipinos ‘probably’ Kidnapped | LatestLY


Screengrab of video of IDF operation (Photo/@IDF)

Tel Aviv [Israel], October 27 (ANI/TPS): The Israeli Embassy in Manila on Friday stated the 2 remaining lacking Filipinos in Israel had been “likely” kidnapped by the militant Hamas group.

In a digital press convention, Israeli Ambassador Ilan Fluss stated he can’t make any affirmation as of but as “there is no final exact information” whether or not the Filipinos had been amongst these kidnapped when Hamas mounted the October 7 assault.

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“We know that there are two missing and we’re not able to identify them. Because of the atrocities and burning of the bodies (during the attack) there’s still some bodies that have not yet been identified,” he stated.

“So it is likely that there are two overseas Filipino workers that have been kidnapped. But I’m saying this, it is likely,” he added.

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Fluss, in the meantime, assured the general public that the Israeli authorities is exerting “maximum efforts” to resolve the hostage problem.

“Nobody was able to see any of the kidnapped people because Hamas is not even allowing the Red Cross to visit those that have been abducted and kidnapped into Gaza,” he stated.

“So there is no evidence, no clear sighting of the people that we believe have been kidnapped,” he added.

The envoy stated a ceasefire remains to be unlikely at this level as Hamas “are still launching attacks on Israel”.

“If, as a responsible government, they (Hamas) want to make life better for their own citizens, then dismantle your terror facilities. As I said before, they are still launching attacks on Israel. Number two, put pressure on Hamas to release the hostages, which they kidnapped from Israel,” he stated.

“The pressure for a ceasefire has to be put on Hamas, because our responsibility is for the safety and security of the Israeli borders and Israeli civilians,” he added. (ANI/TPS)

(This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, LatestLY Staff could not have modified or edited the content material physique)

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