Home Health Yadadri-Bhongir: Health Minister conducts shock go to to dialysis centre at Alair

Yadadri-Bhongir: Health Minister conducts shock go to to dialysis centre at Alair

Yadadri-Bhongir: Health Minister conducts shock go to to dialysis centre at Alair


Harish Rao carried out a shock go to to the 10-bed dialysis centre arrange within the Alair Government hospital with the assistance of Mahavir Jain Foundation.

Updated On – 07:37 PM, Sun – 11 December 22

Yadadri-Bhongir: Health Minister conducts surprise visit to dialysis centre at Alair
Health Minister T Harish Rao was inspecting dialysis middle in Government hospital at Alair in Yadadri-Bhongir district on Sunday.

Yadadri-Bhongir: Health Minister T Harish Rao on Sunday carried out a shock go to to the 10-bed dialysis centre arrange within the Alair Government hospital with the assistance of Mahavir Jain Foundation.

He interacted with the employees and sufferers on the dialysis centre and inquired concerning the amenities obtainable there. When the docs delivered to his discover that the Jain Foundation was prepared so as to add one other 20 beds to the centre, he assured {that a} GO could be issued on Monday giving permission for a similar.

The Health Minister mentioned he would once more go to the centre quickly and held a overview assembly with the docs.

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