Home Crime Your best hour is tomorrow – Star of Mysore

Your best hour is tomorrow – Star of Mysore

Your best hour is tomorrow – Star of Mysore


You select your Chowkidar, your Destiny

Swami Vivekananda, that wandering Hindu Monk had famously stated, impressed from Veda, that ‘you are the architect of your destiny.’ If so, time has come for Karnataka to form its future for the following 5 years by selecting its rulers. That time is tomorrow. Voting begins from morning 7 to night 6.

Tomorrow your one vote with one worth will resolve your political peripeteia for the following 5 years. Which is why I’m caught in a political dilemma since yesterday, final day of canvassing. Could be massive variety of voters too could be present process this form of trauma which  will finish tomorrow.

We voters have three main political events earlier than us to select from — Congress, BJP and JD(S). The query is what’s the criterion to select? The touchstone to check the ‘quality’ of the consultant we select to characterize us because the law-maker and run the federal government for the following 5 years? Of course, you may solid your vote to a candidate of your desire belonging to the          political occasion whose political ideology you approve of.

However, there’s a catch. What if the occasion, which has an ideology (like right-centre-left and many others.) that you simply settle for however compromises on its much-vaunted ideology and provides ticket to contest the election as its candidate to an individual with despicable, even felony background? A patriotic voter is not going to wish to vote for such a foul character. Sadly the voter, in such a scenario is left with Hobson’s alternative — “I’ll give you a choice: take it or leave it”, whereby “leaving it” is strongly undesirable.

In such an occasion, the voter might contemplate the ethical and ideological excessive of the political occasion’s prime chief or leaders (High Command) and solid the vote, hoping the High Command will make amends, even when the unworthy candidate wins. Alternatively, the voter might vote for a great candidate from some other occasion (contesting from the identical Constituency). And if the voter doesn’t need to be caught on this cobweb of a troublesome alternative or an inconceivable scenario, there’s another possibility. Thanks to the Election Commission’s escape route for the voter. He can go for NOTA. ‘The none of the above’ candidates’ button and press it. Of course, it’s troublesome to say what sort of impact it can have on the candidates within the fray. It shouldn’t be clear. However, such a choice by the voter will definitely ship a robust message to the political events to pick out good individuals with benefit and clear picture to contest the election.

This time the Election Commission has led to many revolutionary, voter-friendly modifications within the matter of election. It has give you many schemes and plans to encourage individuals to understand their accountability to the nation and the establishment of democracy and go to the voting sales space with out fail. It has solid its web large to incorporate younger pupil voters, labour forces within the factories, white collar staff and farmers. We will know the useful impact of this labour of the Election Commission and likewise of the NGOs solely after we know the share of voting on the day of the reckoning — May 13, the counting day.

The Election Commission has additionally created a congenial ambiance for the citizen to train his vote by growing the variety of voting cubicles, by selecting the handy, simply accessible location to arrange the voting centres in order that the voter needn’t journey a protracted distance and by making certain correct safety. Interestingly, the buildings of voting cubicles, some chosen ones, will not be solely saved hygienically clear however are even embellished to look enticing with recent paint and decorations like a festive event. Well,  in spite of everything, are we not celebrating the pageant known as Democracy? Amen.

Further, this yr the Election Commission has proven better mercy and concern for the outdated and the disabled who can’t go to the polling sales space. For them, voting preparations had been made at their homes, properties or hospitals or wherever they’re with the poll containers and the file books to get their votes. After all, votes are invaluable, like oxygen for individuals, to maintain our democracy dwell and vibrant. Hence, no eligible voter shall be excluded on this inclusive  democracy.

In a democracy freedom of a person is a very powerful rights of all — freedom of life, speech, liberty and property. Thus he has a proper to not vote additionally. At current there isn’t a regulation that may punish him for not voting or to disclaim him any authorized rights or authorities advantages for not exercising his vote. May be, because of this there’s by no means one hundred pc or close to one hundred pc voting. One of the opposite cause for the low share in voting is the vacation declared on the election day. Many jolly-good fellows merely go away their properties for a vacation in some vacationer place or go visiting pals and family members not bothering to train their sacred obligation of voting. This type of conduct displays an individual’s lack of patriotism and concern for democracy. It additionally tantamounts to abusing the non-public freedom given to us underneath the Constitution. Such residents should keep in mind that ought to they get a foul or corrupt authorities, they alone are accountable. Please don’t complain or grumble. You can have forfeited that proper by not exercising your franchise? Remember Swami Vivekananda: ‘You are the architect of your destiny.’

Already the Election Officers have visited the outdated and specially-abled voters and bought their votes. An instance is the image above the place 104-year-old voter Vidwan Sri Krishna Bhat, the daddy of the Seer of Sri Pejawar Mutt, Udupi, is seen casting his vote in his home for the 2023 Karnataka Assembly election.

And lastly for these of our readers who know Kannada, here’s a persuasive jingle to remind you to vote, that got here to me per WhatsApp:

ಒಂದು ಎರಡು
ಬೂತಿಗೆ ಹೊರಡು
ಮೂರು ನಾಲ್ಕು
ನಿನ್ನದೇ ಹಕ್ಕು
ಐದು ಆರು
ಜಾಣ್ಮೆಯ ತೋರು
ಏಳು ಎಂಟು
ಅವಕಾಶ ಉಂಟು
ಒಂಭತ್ತು ಹತ್ತು
ಯೋಗ್ಯರಿಗೇ ಬಟನ್ ಒತ್ತು

Jai Hind, Jai Karnataka

e-mail: [email protected]

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