Home Latest Zeeland company distributing COVID prevention technology

Zeeland company distributing COVID prevention technology

Zeeland company distributing COVID prevention technology


ZEELAND — At Industrial Control in Zeeland, preventing the spread of COVID-19 is the name of the game.

The distribution company has invested in several technologies over the past few months intended to keep the virus at bay.

Most recently, the company began selling the only FDA-approved thermal camera used for tracking COVID-19 on the market.

“I saw an ad on TV,” said CEO Mark Ermatinger. “I called and we had a conversation about their product and how good it was.”

The camera reads the core temperature of each person who walks through its scope. It can capture data immediately and has a drift of just .03 degrees — compared to a handheld thermometer drift of seven degrees.

According to Ermatinger, a number of manufacturing companies continue to struggle with sick employees gaining entrance to their facility, despite a temperature check upon arrival.

“I started to explore what was wrong with handheld temperature readers,” Ermatinger said.

“They just don’t work. I found that interesting because everybody uses them. But the reality is, if you don’t hold that temperature gun in the right spot, you won’t get the right temperature. And having someone scan people means they’re already too close. It defeats the purpose.”

Despite the advanced nature of the new camera, some companies are hesitant to invest.

“I think the issue is the system starts around $10,000,” Ermantinger said.

“People think there’s going to be a vaccine and COVID is just going to go away, but the flu season is still coming and when you let sick people in, you’re putting everyone at risk. Employees want the reassurance that they’re entering a safe environment.”

Industrial Control also distributes Bluetooth beacons that can be worn around the neck or on the ID badge of employees.

The beacons track whether employees get within six feet of one another, making it easier to contact those who have been exposed when an employee tests positive for COVID-19.

Another application will count the number of people in a building.

“For example, fitness centers have to be at 25 percent capacity right now,” Ermatinger said. “This technology allows you to monitor the front door with a red or green light to let people know when they can enter. You can even use it to lock the door.”

Industrial Control is owned and operated by Ermatinger and his brother Karl. The business was started by the brothers’ parents in the 1970s.

Today, Industrial Control sells more than $5.5 million in automation components and solutions each year.

— Contact reporter Cassandra Lybrink at clybrink@gannett.com. Follow her on Instagram @BizHolland.


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